International legal standards regarding the regulation of domestic labor regulations

: 150-156
Beck U. “International legal standards regarding the regulation of domestic labor regulations.”

Іnstitute law, psychology and innovative education Lviv Polytechnic National University Department of Civil Law and Procedure Ph.D

The article analyzes the international legal standards regarding the regulation of internal labor regulations. It is noted that in the legal doctrine of international law there is a significant number of normative acts that define international legal standards for the regulation of internal labor regulations, however, the mechanism for ensuring them is imperfect, it is not fully defined by the state and does not correspond to national legislation.

It is concluded that overtime actions in the process of reforming all national labor legislation affecting internal labor regulations are the adoption of a new Labor Code, which will clearly define the mechanism for ensuring international legal regulation of internal labor regulations and norms, which will not violate the standards of the ILO conventions that have been ratified Ukraine in accordance with the procedure established by law. Such a Code should: 1) be devoid of declarative norms and ideological stereotypes of the Soviet regime; 2) correspond to the social, economic and socio-political processes of today; 3) systematize and codify into a single system all labor principles and norms of both Ukrainian and international labor law, all general and universal legal norms of the industry; 4) specify in more detail the powers of state authorities and bodies of enterprises, institutions and organizations in the field of ensuring the mechanism of regulation of internal labor regulations.

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