Research Article
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Creating City Based Zoning Plans with Game Theory Approach, Example of 1000 Plans

Year 2023, Volume: 35 Issue: 3, 297 - 311, 30.09.2023


Zoning plans are the formation of rules that will regulate all kinds of needs of a group of people living on a certain piece of land. While the plans are being formed, they are in a flow from the development plans to the latest implementation plans in the hierarchy from the top to the bottom scale. Subsequently, a zoning application is made in the area determined depending on the population density. In this application, various zoning parameters are formed in accordance with a certain rule. It meets the needs of people by creating a subject, trade, official institution or many social reinforcement areas. It is created for this purpose in plans of 1000 called applications. It is created by making use of approaches such as game theory. Game theory is the task of determining the best strategy within the framework of the rules in an application that is considered a certain game. In planning, it will be possible to determine the formation of the best housing, commercial or social facilities and the determination of development areas with area-based correlation within the planning rules, with game theory. As a game theory element, it was tried to explain how to create the best open application development plan with the integral function of population, population growth amount, area-based surface area amounts according to plan definitions. The study area was about how to examine the parts of an application or revised zoning plan with game theory based on the city-based Elazığ.


  • [1] Yayla, Y. (1975) Major Legal Issues of Urban Planning and the Example of Istanbul, IUHF Publications, Istanbul, (YAYLA: City Planning).
  • [2] Aslan, S. (2019) Crime of Causing Zoning Pollution (TCK art.184), Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Public Law, Master Thesis, Ankara.
  • [3] Kulaklı, E. (2014) Zoning Restriction and Land and Land Arrangement Restrictions on Immovable Ownership, Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Private Law, PhD Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [4] Terzioğlu, A.G. (2015) Implementation of Zoning Plan in Multi-Shared Plots: Example of Sultanbeyli, Gebze Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering, M.Sc. Thesis, Gebze.
  • [5] Kalabalık H. (2002) Zoning Law (Planning, Land, Building, Protection, 1st Edition, Seçkin Publishing.
  • [6] Koçak Y. (2014) The Effect of Urban Transformation Practices on Migration in Turkey: Kars 29 Ekim Mahallesi Example, Turkish Studies - International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 9(5), 1411-1432.
  • [7] Erzene Ş.I. (2013) A Method Approach to Urban Transformation and Its Applicability, PhD Thesis, Istanbul Technical University.
  • [8] Tanrıvermiş, H., Akipek Öcal, Ş., Demir, E. (2016) Real Estate Legislation, Ankara.
  • [9] Yavuz, U. (2017) A Study on the Effects of Development Plan Changes on Building Tendencies: The Case of Kağıthane, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Real Estate Development, Master Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [10] Sarı, F. (2003) Form and function relations in urban space: Examining the proposals of the Izmir port area urban design competition using the space syntax method, Master Thesis, İ.T.Ü. Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul.
  • [11] Babacan Tekinbaş, B. (2008) Planning in Judicial Decisions, Kozan Ofset, Ankara.
  • [12] Tatlı, P. (2017) Questioning the Effects of Interventions in Zoning Plans on the Transportation Network: İzmir New City Center Revision Development Plan, Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of City and Regional Planning, Master Thesis, Trabzon.
  • [13] Ercan, M. (2007) Planning and Management Problems in Our Cities. Planning Journal, p. 69-73.
  • [14] Kayahan, B. (2019) Urban Project Development Plan Relationship in the Context of Sustainable Development, Sile (Istanbul) Example, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Institute of Science, Department of City and Regional Planning, Master Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [15] Bilgin, İ. (2014) Traces of Modernism in the City, Arkitera Architecture Bulletin,
  • [16] Karadeniz, B. (2020) Urban Morphology as a Method in Urban Planning: Görele, Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Science, Department of City and Regional Planning, PhD Thesis, Trabzon.
  • [17] Tekeli İ. (2013) Modernism, Modernity and Turkey's Urban Planning History, History Foundation Yurt Publishing, Istanbul.
  • [18] Ebevi, T.M. (2021) The Effect of Zoning Planning Processes on the City: The Case of Çatalca Kiptaş, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Architecture, Master Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [19] Höçük, F.Z. (2021) Bursa Urban Development Process and Planning Periods, Istanbul Arel University Graduate Education Institute, Department of Architecture, Master Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [20] Kiper, T. (2013) The Role of Identity in Planning Urban and Rural Areas, Turkish Journal of Scientific Compilations 6 (2), pp: 73-77.
  • [21] Topal, H.K. (2019) Limitation of Property Rights Through Development Plans, Yaşar University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Private Law, Master Thesis, İzmir.
  • [22] Kağızmanlı B. (2009) Reconstruction Implementation Methods in Turkey and Analysis of Factors Affecting Its Results”, Master Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University.
  • [23] Çelik K. (2006) Planning and Zoning Law Implementation, Land and Land Arrangement, 1st Edition, Devran Printing.
  • [24] Yaşar H.N. (2008) Zoning Law, 1st Edition, Filiz Bookstore.
  • [25] Tüdeş T. (1997) Zoning Plan Implementation Techniques in Urban Area Arrangements 1st Edition, JEFOD Publications.
  • [26] Sen, D. (2000) Monitoring Urban Development: Zoning Changes and Their Effects on Development, Master Thesis, KTU Institute of Science and Technology, Trabzon.
  • [27] Reichl, Alexander J. (1997) Historic Preservation And Progrowth Politics In U.S. Cities, Urban Affairs Review, Vol. 32 Issue 4, p513.
  • [28] Palamutoğlu, E.G. (2019) Examining the Formation of Housing Areas in the Context of Implementation Zoning Plans and Regulations; Kayseri Kavakyazısı Region, Erciyes University Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Architecture, Master Thesis, Kayseri.
  • [29] Kaya, İ. (2020) Building and Zoning Sanctions in the Zoning Law in the Light of the Council of State Decisions, Kırıkkale University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Public Law, Master Thesis, Kırıkkale.
  • [30] Onur, F.Ş. (2020) Re-evaluation of the Settlement Areas of Rural Settlements Transformed into Neighborhoods after the Law No. 6360, in the Scope of Environmental Plan/Master Development Plan Decisions: Trabzon Ortahisar Case, Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Science, Department of City and Regional Planning, High Undergraduate Thesis, Trabzon.
  • [31] Koç, İ. (2020) Realization of Distribution and Parceling Operations in Zoning Applications Using Artificial Intelligence Optimization Algorithms, Konya Technical University Graduate Education Institute, Computer Engineering Department, PhD Thesis, Konya.
  • [32] Demirkıran, S. (2008) The role of local governments in urban transformation practices in Turkey: The Example of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality. Trakya University Institute of Social Sciences, Master Thesis, 139, Edirne.
  • [33] Yıldız, A. (2021) The Effect of Integrated Planning on Urban Transformation: The Case of Tuzla, Istanbul Commerce University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Real Estate Development, Urban Transformation and Planning, Master Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [34] Booth, P. (2003) Planning by Consent. The Origins and Nature of British Development Control London, Routledge.
  • [35] Kılınç, N. (2021) Analysis of Development Plan Changes from the Perspective of Legal, Spatial and Urban Rent: The Case of Istanbul, Istanbul Technical University Graduate Education Institute, Department of City and Regional Planning, PhD Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [36] Rivolin, U. J. (2017) Global crisis and the systems of spatial governance and planning: a European comparison. European Planning Studies, 25 (6), 994-1012.
  • [37] İnci, Ç. (2009) Game Theory, Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Institute of Science and Technology, Master Thesis, Van.
  • [38] Oğlakkaya, M.S. (2021) Analysis of the United States and China's Protectionism Policies According to Game Theory Approach, Necmettin Erbakan University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Economics, Master Thesis, Konya.
  • [39] Yüksel, Ş. (2018) Economic Policies and Game Theory Application for Capital Flows, Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences, Master Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [40] Çevikkan, N. (2010) Game Theory and a Sectoral Application, Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences, Master Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [41] Çubukçu, H. (2016) Game Theory and an Application, Akdeniz University Institute of Social Sciences, Master Thesis, Antalya.
  • [42] Gokce, D.H. (2020) Crime and Economics: Game Theory Approach, Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Economics, PhD Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [43] Shubik, M. (1984) Game Theory in Social Sciences, Concepts and Solutions, Third Printing, The MIT Press, London.
  • [44] Tüzün, S. (2021) On Equal Distribution Rules in Game Theory, Süleyman Demirel University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Mathematics, Master Thesis, Isparta.
  • [45] Yuksel, O. (2021) Game Theoretical Analysis Of Cooperation And Cheating Among Lipase Producing Yarrowia Lipolytica Sub-Cultures, Submitted to Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Biotechnology, Istanbul.
  • [46] Stephen L. Quackenbush and Frank C. Z. (2006) Game Theory: Modeling Interstate Conflict, Making Sense of International Relations Theory, (Ed. Jeniffer Sterling-Folker), 1st edition, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, , p. 99.
  • [47] Şimşek, B. (2022) Analysis of the Cyprus Problem through Game Theory in the Light of the Resolution Initiatives of the United Nations Secretary Generals, Ege University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of International Relations, Master Thesis, İzmir.
  • [48] Karabacak, H., & Akdeve, E. (2021) Competitive intelligence and strategy formation: an evaluation from a game theory perspective. Dumlupınar University Journal of Social Sciences, (68), 326-345..
  • [49] Aydın, G. (2022) The Interaction of Conflict Management Strategies from the Perspective of Game Theory and an Application for Auditors, Ankara Social Sciences University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Audit and Risk Management, Master Thesis, Ankara.
  • [50] Url1: (access of date: 25/05/2023). [51] Url 2: (access of date:10/10/2022).

Şehir Bazlı İmar Planlarının Oyun Teorisi Yaklaşımı İle Meydana Getirilmesi, 1000’lik Plan Örneği

Year 2023, Volume: 35 Issue: 3, 297 - 311, 30.09.2023


İmar planları belli bir kara parçası üzerinde yaşayan insan grubunun her türlü ihtiyacını düzenleyecek kuralların oluşumudur. Planlar oluşurken üstten alt ölçeğe doğru olan hiyerarşide kalkınma planlarından en son uygulama planlarına kadar bir akış içerisindedir. Bundan mütevellit nüfus yoğunluğuna bağlı olarak belirlenen alanda imar uygulaması yapılır. Bu uygulamada çeşitli imar parametreleri belli bir kural bütününde hareketle oluşur. Konu, ticaret, resmi kurum ya da birçok sosyal donatı alanı meydana getirilerek insanların gereksinimini karşılar. Uygulama denilen 1000’lik planlarda bu amaçla oluşturulur. Oluşturulurken oyun teorisi gibi yaklaşımlardan yararlanılarak meydana getirilir. Oyun teorisi, belli bir oyun olarak değerlendirilen bir uygulamada kurallar çerçevesinde en iyi stratejiyi belirleme işidir. Planlamada ise plancılık kuralları içerisinde alan bazlı korelasyon ile en iyi konut, ticari ya da sosyal donatıların oluşumu, gelişim alanlarının tayinini belirlemek oyun teorisi ile mümkün olacaktır. Çalışma alanı şehir bazlı olarak Elazığ kapsamında baz alınarak oyun teorisi ile bir uygulama ya da revize imar planı kısımlarının nasıl irdeleneceği hakkında olmuştur.


  • [1] Yayla, Y. (1975) Major Legal Issues of Urban Planning and the Example of Istanbul, IUHF Publications, Istanbul, (YAYLA: City Planning).
  • [2] Aslan, S. (2019) Crime of Causing Zoning Pollution (TCK art.184), Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Public Law, Master Thesis, Ankara.
  • [3] Kulaklı, E. (2014) Zoning Restriction and Land and Land Arrangement Restrictions on Immovable Ownership, Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Private Law, PhD Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [4] Terzioğlu, A.G. (2015) Implementation of Zoning Plan in Multi-Shared Plots: Example of Sultanbeyli, Gebze Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering, M.Sc. Thesis, Gebze.
  • [5] Kalabalık H. (2002) Zoning Law (Planning, Land, Building, Protection, 1st Edition, Seçkin Publishing.
  • [6] Koçak Y. (2014) The Effect of Urban Transformation Practices on Migration in Turkey: Kars 29 Ekim Mahallesi Example, Turkish Studies - International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 9(5), 1411-1432.
  • [7] Erzene Ş.I. (2013) A Method Approach to Urban Transformation and Its Applicability, PhD Thesis, Istanbul Technical University.
  • [8] Tanrıvermiş, H., Akipek Öcal, Ş., Demir, E. (2016) Real Estate Legislation, Ankara.
  • [9] Yavuz, U. (2017) A Study on the Effects of Development Plan Changes on Building Tendencies: The Case of Kağıthane, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Real Estate Development, Master Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [10] Sarı, F. (2003) Form and function relations in urban space: Examining the proposals of the Izmir port area urban design competition using the space syntax method, Master Thesis, İ.T.Ü. Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul.
  • [11] Babacan Tekinbaş, B. (2008) Planning in Judicial Decisions, Kozan Ofset, Ankara.
  • [12] Tatlı, P. (2017) Questioning the Effects of Interventions in Zoning Plans on the Transportation Network: İzmir New City Center Revision Development Plan, Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of City and Regional Planning, Master Thesis, Trabzon.
  • [13] Ercan, M. (2007) Planning and Management Problems in Our Cities. Planning Journal, p. 69-73.
  • [14] Kayahan, B. (2019) Urban Project Development Plan Relationship in the Context of Sustainable Development, Sile (Istanbul) Example, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Institute of Science, Department of City and Regional Planning, Master Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [15] Bilgin, İ. (2014) Traces of Modernism in the City, Arkitera Architecture Bulletin,
  • [16] Karadeniz, B. (2020) Urban Morphology as a Method in Urban Planning: Görele, Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Science, Department of City and Regional Planning, PhD Thesis, Trabzon.
  • [17] Tekeli İ. (2013) Modernism, Modernity and Turkey's Urban Planning History, History Foundation Yurt Publishing, Istanbul.
  • [18] Ebevi, T.M. (2021) The Effect of Zoning Planning Processes on the City: The Case of Çatalca Kiptaş, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Architecture, Master Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [19] Höçük, F.Z. (2021) Bursa Urban Development Process and Planning Periods, Istanbul Arel University Graduate Education Institute, Department of Architecture, Master Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [20] Kiper, T. (2013) The Role of Identity in Planning Urban and Rural Areas, Turkish Journal of Scientific Compilations 6 (2), pp: 73-77.
  • [21] Topal, H.K. (2019) Limitation of Property Rights Through Development Plans, Yaşar University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Private Law, Master Thesis, İzmir.
  • [22] Kağızmanlı B. (2009) Reconstruction Implementation Methods in Turkey and Analysis of Factors Affecting Its Results”, Master Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University.
  • [23] Çelik K. (2006) Planning and Zoning Law Implementation, Land and Land Arrangement, 1st Edition, Devran Printing.
  • [24] Yaşar H.N. (2008) Zoning Law, 1st Edition, Filiz Bookstore.
  • [25] Tüdeş T. (1997) Zoning Plan Implementation Techniques in Urban Area Arrangements 1st Edition, JEFOD Publications.
  • [26] Sen, D. (2000) Monitoring Urban Development: Zoning Changes and Their Effects on Development, Master Thesis, KTU Institute of Science and Technology, Trabzon.
  • [27] Reichl, Alexander J. (1997) Historic Preservation And Progrowth Politics In U.S. Cities, Urban Affairs Review, Vol. 32 Issue 4, p513.
  • [28] Palamutoğlu, E.G. (2019) Examining the Formation of Housing Areas in the Context of Implementation Zoning Plans and Regulations; Kayseri Kavakyazısı Region, Erciyes University Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Architecture, Master Thesis, Kayseri.
  • [29] Kaya, İ. (2020) Building and Zoning Sanctions in the Zoning Law in the Light of the Council of State Decisions, Kırıkkale University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Public Law, Master Thesis, Kırıkkale.
  • [30] Onur, F.Ş. (2020) Re-evaluation of the Settlement Areas of Rural Settlements Transformed into Neighborhoods after the Law No. 6360, in the Scope of Environmental Plan/Master Development Plan Decisions: Trabzon Ortahisar Case, Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Science, Department of City and Regional Planning, High Undergraduate Thesis, Trabzon.
  • [31] Koç, İ. (2020) Realization of Distribution and Parceling Operations in Zoning Applications Using Artificial Intelligence Optimization Algorithms, Konya Technical University Graduate Education Institute, Computer Engineering Department, PhD Thesis, Konya.
  • [32] Demirkıran, S. (2008) The role of local governments in urban transformation practices in Turkey: The Example of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality. Trakya University Institute of Social Sciences, Master Thesis, 139, Edirne.
  • [33] Yıldız, A. (2021) The Effect of Integrated Planning on Urban Transformation: The Case of Tuzla, Istanbul Commerce University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Real Estate Development, Urban Transformation and Planning, Master Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [34] Booth, P. (2003) Planning by Consent. The Origins and Nature of British Development Control London, Routledge.
  • [35] Kılınç, N. (2021) Analysis of Development Plan Changes from the Perspective of Legal, Spatial and Urban Rent: The Case of Istanbul, Istanbul Technical University Graduate Education Institute, Department of City and Regional Planning, PhD Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [36] Rivolin, U. J. (2017) Global crisis and the systems of spatial governance and planning: a European comparison. European Planning Studies, 25 (6), 994-1012.
  • [37] İnci, Ç. (2009) Game Theory, Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Institute of Science and Technology, Master Thesis, Van.
  • [38] Oğlakkaya, M.S. (2021) Analysis of the United States and China's Protectionism Policies According to Game Theory Approach, Necmettin Erbakan University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Economics, Master Thesis, Konya.
  • [39] Yüksel, Ş. (2018) Economic Policies and Game Theory Application for Capital Flows, Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences, Master Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [40] Çevikkan, N. (2010) Game Theory and a Sectoral Application, Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences, Master Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [41] Çubukçu, H. (2016) Game Theory and an Application, Akdeniz University Institute of Social Sciences, Master Thesis, Antalya.
  • [42] Gokce, D.H. (2020) Crime and Economics: Game Theory Approach, Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Economics, PhD Thesis, Istanbul.
  • [43] Shubik, M. (1984) Game Theory in Social Sciences, Concepts and Solutions, Third Printing, The MIT Press, London.
  • [44] Tüzün, S. (2021) On Equal Distribution Rules in Game Theory, Süleyman Demirel University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Mathematics, Master Thesis, Isparta.
  • [45] Yuksel, O. (2021) Game Theoretical Analysis Of Cooperation And Cheating Among Lipase Producing Yarrowia Lipolytica Sub-Cultures, Submitted to Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Biotechnology, Istanbul.
  • [46] Stephen L. Quackenbush and Frank C. Z. (2006) Game Theory: Modeling Interstate Conflict, Making Sense of International Relations Theory, (Ed. Jeniffer Sterling-Folker), 1st edition, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, , p. 99.
  • [47] Şimşek, B. (2022) Analysis of the Cyprus Problem through Game Theory in the Light of the Resolution Initiatives of the United Nations Secretary Generals, Ege University Institute of Social Sciences, Department of International Relations, Master Thesis, İzmir.
  • [48] Karabacak, H., & Akdeve, E. (2021) Competitive intelligence and strategy formation: an evaluation from a game theory perspective. Dumlupınar University Journal of Social Sciences, (68), 326-345..
  • [49] Aydın, G. (2022) The Interaction of Conflict Management Strategies from the Perspective of Game Theory and an Application for Auditors, Ankara Social Sciences University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Audit and Risk Management, Master Thesis, Ankara.
  • [50] Url1: (access of date: 25/05/2023). [51] Url 2: (access of date:10/10/2022).
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Selim Taşkaya 0000-0002-4290-3684

Early Pub Date September 25, 2023
Publication Date September 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 35 Issue: 3


APA Taşkaya, S. (2023). Creating City Based Zoning Plans with Game Theory Approach, Example of 1000 Plans. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences, 35(3), 297-311.
AMA Taşkaya S. Creating City Based Zoning Plans with Game Theory Approach, Example of 1000 Plans. JEPS. September 2023;35(3):297-311. doi:10.7240/jeps.1234574
Chicago Taşkaya, Selim. “Creating City Based Zoning Plans With Game Theory Approach, Example of 1000 Plans”. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences 35, no. 3 (September 2023): 297-311.
EndNote Taşkaya S (September 1, 2023) Creating City Based Zoning Plans with Game Theory Approach, Example of 1000 Plans. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences 35 3 297–311.
IEEE S. Taşkaya, “Creating City Based Zoning Plans with Game Theory Approach, Example of 1000 Plans”, JEPS, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 297–311, 2023, doi: 10.7240/jeps.1234574.
ISNAD Taşkaya, Selim. “Creating City Based Zoning Plans With Game Theory Approach, Example of 1000 Plans”. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences 35/3 (September 2023), 297-311.
JAMA Taşkaya S. Creating City Based Zoning Plans with Game Theory Approach, Example of 1000 Plans. JEPS. 2023;35:297–311.
MLA Taşkaya, Selim. “Creating City Based Zoning Plans With Game Theory Approach, Example of 1000 Plans”. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences, vol. 35, no. 3, 2023, pp. 297-11, doi:10.7240/jeps.1234574.
Vancouver Taşkaya S. Creating City Based Zoning Plans with Game Theory Approach, Example of 1000 Plans. JEPS. 2023;35(3):297-311.