Character strengths in weight maintenance: perceptions after a weight loss program




Eating behavior, Lifestyle, Weight Control, Positive Psychology.


This study aimed to analyze which factors can favor or hinder healthy habits and the character forces associated with weight maintenance, in adults who underwent a weight loss program at a Contemporary Health and Wellness Center. This is a qualitative, cross-sectional, exploratory, and descriptive study. Seven people conducted semi-structured interviews, analyzed using the Thematic Analysis by Braun and Clarke. The results show that learning and discipline are extremely important for maintaining the habits learned in the program. Situations such as work, family, and aging can generate negative emotions and interfere with life satisfaction, making health habits more difficult. The forces of self-regulation, persistence, love of learning, humor, and appreciation of beauty can present favorable returns to weight maintenance. The development of character strengths can be extremely important for the maintenance of body weight after carrying out a weight loss program.


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Como Citar

Pizetta, A., Mello, L. T. N., & Andretta, I. (2022). Character strengths in weight maintenance: perceptions after a weight loss program. Psicologia Argumento, 40(111).