  • 學位論文


Why France Fashion Industry Top One In The Global Market.

指導教授 : 蔡進丁


法國巴黎,一個浪漫與時尚的城市,許多知名品牌集中於此。其精品集團LVMH更是時尚精品的龍頭。而為何法國巴黎能在時尚產業中獨領風騷?本研究從文獻分析及產業經濟與管理學的學理演繹與歸納,並且結合代表西方的波特競爭力理論及東方的MERSI競爭力理論。提出下列命題,本研究之研究目的即在證明此命題可以成立。同時,目前國內尚未有對於法國時尚產業進行研究之論文,因此本研究乃是對於法國時尚產業進行探索性的研究。 而本研究認為法國時尚產業能稱霸全球的主要理由有三: 1. 法國巴黎的時尚文化傳統奠下基礎。 2. 法國健全的時尚產業結構與巴黎群聚效應的發揮。 3. 領導廠商的全球優勢地位與帶動效應。 至於其他造就法國時尚產業稱霸全球的其他因素,本研究假設不是為關鍵,因而略去不論。


Paris, a romantic and fashionable city, has created numerous world famous brands of fashion industry in the global market. The France luxury conglomerate, LVMH, is the leader firm in this industry. Why does France fashion industry take the lead in the global market? To answer this question, this research is using content analysis, the industrial economics (S.C.P Paradigm) and management (Tsai’s Five Forces Model) theory in the research methods, and combining Michael E. Porter’s competitiveness theory with Tsai’s MERSI competitiveness theory in the analysis. In terms of literature review, it’s found that there’s no any France fashion industry-related thesis in Taiwan’s academic market, therefore, this research will be positioned as an exploratory research. And the purpose of this research is to prove this main proposition. The main proposition is as followed: The key reasons why France fashion industry can take the lead in the global market are due to three main reasons: 1. France fashion cultural heritage provides a sustainable foundation for the development of fashion industry; 2. France owns a sound industrial structure and the cluster effect of Paris fashion on its fashion industry, 3. The leading firm’s dominant position in the global market and network effect it creates. As for the other factors, this proposition assumes them not crucial. Therefore, there is no further discussion in this thesis.


Fashion industry Competitiveness LVMH MERSI


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