  • 學位論文


The Study of Store Ambient and Consumer Behavior -A Case Study of Luxury Goods Industry

指導教授 : 黃志文


自2000年後,全球精品產業崛起,經過金融海嘯衝擊,精品業的表現仍一枝獨秀,獲利率也比其他產業高出許多。近幾年來,國內有許多高級百貨公司陸續開幕,也引進不少國際精品品牌在台灣設立專櫃及門市。台灣精品市場的消費力旺盛已是不爭的事實。對精品業者而言,如何營造能使消費者滿意的商店氣氛,並提供消費者的良好的消費環境,是精品企業建立市場區隔,增加品牌競爭力的主要關鍵。因此本研究針對商店環境中氣氛因子的視覺及聽覺構面,以燈光照明、背景音樂、服務人員服裝儀容為變數,並探討精品業者應如何設計商店氣氛,來吸引更多消費者光顧,提高顧客在店內的瀏覽時間及消費金額。 本研究是以國內高級百貨公司或商圈,針對光顧完精品門市、店面的女性消費者進行問卷調查,採用之抽樣方法是「便利抽樣」。採用敘述性統計分析、平均數差異分析及卡方檢定分析,並透過SPSS12.0中文版軟體操作驗證。 本研究結論: 1. 商店氣氛能使顧客在沒有意識到的狀況下產生正面情緒,而正面情緒能促使消費者較容易對周圍的事物、商品產生興趣。 2. 精品店內服務人員的服裝儀容對顧客的情緒及商店氣氛的觀感會造成影響。 3. 顧客會受到外在因素的影響,將情緒及感受反映在消費行為上。 4. 愉悅、興奮的情緒能提高顧客的購買意圖、增加瀏覽的時間或消費金額。


Since year 2000, there has been a rise in the industry of luxury goods. Even with the financial tsunami from the global financial crisis, the industry remained profitable and has outperformed the other industries. Over the last few years, the domestic market has seen a great increase in the numbers of luxury department store. It has attracted numerous global luxury brands to set up branches and retail stores in the domestic market. It is without a doubt that the domestic buying power in the luxury-goods industry is strong. For the luxury goods retailer, how to create a customer satisfied store atmosphere and at the same time providing a fine purchasing environment is the key to differentiate itself from its peers and to increase its brand competitiveness. Therefore, the research of this thesis targets on the store atmospheric factors of visionary and audio using lighting, background music and apparel of the store attendant as the variable and investigate how luxury retailers should create the store environment to attract more customers with the increase of spending in both time and buying product in the store. The research is based on domestic luxury department store or business district, investigating with the use of survey paper focusing on female consumers that has shopped at luxury retail store. Sampling method was based on convenience sampling, adopting descriptive statistics analysis, group mean analysis and chi-square analysis. The results were verified with the software package SPSS12.0 Chinese edition. Research conclusion: 1.Store environment allows the customer under the condition unconsciously create positive emotions. Where positive emotion prompts the consumer interested with surrounding objects and products. 2.The apparel of the store attendee can affect customer emotion and their impression on the store environment. 3.External factors can affect the customer’s emotion and feeling and is reflected on consuming behavior. 4.Enjoyable and exiting emotions can increase the customer’s consuming willingness and increase browsing time and spending amount.


林靈宏 (1994) 消費者行為,臺北市,五南
郭乃瑄 (2007) 「解析精品消費神話:歐美與日系女性雜誌之分析比較研究」,淡江大學大眾傳播學系傳播碩士班碩士論文
