  • 學位論文


Children Perceptions of Parental Power: Does Playing Electronic Games Together Make A Difference?

指導教授 : 孫春在


本研究旨在探討「家庭現況」(父親社經地位、子女性別、出生排序與年齡)與「親子共玩現況」(父親是否參與共玩、共玩時數、兒童知覺父親電子遊戲素養、教學角色是否互換)對「親子權力」(結果控制權力、專家權力、參照權力、正當/合法權力)的差異情形。 本研究係以台灣北部公立國民小學97學年度二至六年級學生作為研究母群體,採用立意取樣方式選取樣本,以SPSS 12.0套裝軟體進行分析。 主要研究結果如下: 1. 國小階段學童親子權力知覺會因父親社經地位、子女性別、子女出生排序和子女年齡有差異。 2. 親子共玩對國小學童知覺親子權力有顯著差異。 3. 親子共玩時,親子五權均提升。 4. 親子共玩對「專家權」、「正當權」及「參考權」的提升較明顯。 5. 本研究未發現權力階層現象(reverse power hierarchy)。 6. 教學角色倒置無損父親權威,反而有助父權提升


The Purpose of this study is to investigate if there is difference in parental power (outcome-control power, reference power, legitimate power, expert power and economic-control power) when family status (socio-status of father, sex of children, birth order of children and age of childern) and electronic game playing status (whether father and children playing electronic games together, how long father and children playing together, children’s perception of father’s knowledge about electronic games and whether children teaching father playing electronic games ) are different. The Participants of this study were the 2 to 6 graders students of public primary schools at the northern Taiwan. In this study, we find that: 1. Socio-economic status of fathers, Children’s sex, Children’s birth order and Children’s age make differences in parental power perception of primary school children. 2. Father and children playing electronic games together makes differences in parental power perception of primary school children. 3. Playing electronic games together improves all five parental powers: expert power, outcome-control power, legitimate power, refernce power and econimic-control power. 4. Improvements in expert power, legtimate power and reference power are more significant when playing electronic games together. 5. No reverse power hierarchy happens when playing electronic games together. 6. Children teaching father how to play electronic games does not hurt father’s parental powers. It improves them instead.


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