  • 學位論文


Impact of User’s Interpersonal Communication Needs on Mobile Social Media Marketing:A case study of Facebook check-in service

指導教授 : 卓美玲


社群網站使用熱潮持續上升,許多企業看準社群行銷趨勢,利用社群平台進行品牌經營或產品推廣活動,過多的廣告資訊讓使用者產生負面觀感,但社群行銷的價值在於使用者的主動參與回饋,失去使用者的信任也等於失去與之溝通的機會。再者,社群平台加入行動的元素後帶來新的社群服務,廣告主或網路社群經營者都應重新思考使用者社群平台的人際溝通需求,並從中發掘新的社群行銷模式。 本研究旨在以使用者人際溝通需求來探討企業社群行銷模式,以及使用者在社群平台加入行動化特性後,對企業社群行銷活動和傳遞訊息的意願之情況,並了解使用者在人際溝通需求、訊息可信度以及隱私權考量的影響之下對社群行銷活動態度的行為差異。 本研究透過網路問卷調查法蒐集540位Facebook使用者的資料。研究結果發現: (1) 在訊息信任感與社群人際關係的影響之下,使用者對來自人際團體中強連結關係及意見領袖所發佈的訊息較為信任,而社群好友人數越多,其接收訊息的來源也較廣,使用者接觸到越多社群行銷訊息,參與企業行銷活動的機率也跟著增加。(2) 在隱私權方面,使用者社群好友人數與隱私權重視程度成反比,女性使用者在加入他人為社群好友的考量謹慎程度高於男性,比男性較容易拒絕他人加自己為好友。(3) 使用者人際關係中屬於強連結關係者比例越高,其參與打卡類型行銷活動的頻率越高,而使用者最常參與的打卡活動類型為「打卡立即享優惠折扣」,偏好步驟簡單且能立即得到回饋的活動。 (4) 就未來打卡行銷活動可能的目標族群輪廓而言,學生族群且性別為男性的使用者為打卡行銷活動較佳的目標族群,其在參與及分享打卡行銷活動的意願高,對隱私權的重視程度也較低,且好友人數也多於非學生族群,行銷訊息透過人際連結可傳遞的範圍較廣,可提高打卡行銷活動的參加率以及達到較佳訊息傳播效益。(5) 強弱連結關係與意見領袖對使用者發佈訊息的頻率與接收打卡行銷活動頻率具有完全中介效果,打卡行銷活動訊息若是來自強連結關係或意見領袖,使用者會有較高的信任感,能降低行銷訊息被拒絕接收的機率。而情感交流相關的人際溝通需求在使用者的社群使用時間、使用頻率、發佈訊息的頻率對接收及參加社群行銷活動的頻率之影響中具有完全中介效果,顯示使用者對情感交流面向的人際溝通需求越高者,接收或參加社群行銷活動意願越高。(6)就人口變項而言,年齡越低者其社群好友人數越多,需要花費更多時間和朋友於社群平台上互動,其在社群平台上所發佈的訊息多數用來展示個人特色,對展現自我品味的人際溝通需求較高,偏好參與具好玩、有趣資訊的活動以及能增加與朋友互動及情感交流的行銷活動,也比較在意是否能獲得獎品或報酬。而收入較高的使用者則較容易受到社群朋友的影響,對於具備專業知識者所分享的或被按讚次數較多的行銷訊息之參與意願較高。 (7) 以社群使用情況來說,社群使用年資、頻率、時間越長以及發佈訊息頻率較高之使用者,接收來自企業的行銷訊息的頻率以及參與社群行銷活動的次數越多,較喜歡參加認為可以用來向朋友炫耀的行銷活動,期待朋友給予羨慕的回應,藉此與朋友產生互動並從中獲得優越感。


This study investigates the impact of user’s interpersonal communication needs on social marketing. Since social media marketing goes mobile , the study also digs into the willingness of users’ participation in social marketing activities and their willingness to deliver mobile marketing messages. Moreover, effect of social capital on the attitude to participate the community marketing activities, as hypothesized in the study, will depends on user’s interpersonal communication needs, reliability of the social marketing message, and privacy concern. The study used an internet-questionnaire-based method to collect information among 540 Facebook users. Results of this study showed: (1) On the part of demographic profile of respondents, the younger users are, the more number of friends on social networking sites they have. They used to spend more time to interact with friends on it. Second, younger users tend to post more messages on Facebook to display their personal characteristics and self-taste. They prefer to take part in the social marketing activities which are recreational or able to increase interaction and emotional communication with friends. Users with higher income are more willing to participate in a social marketing activity recommended by friends with the related expertise background or being liked by most friends in his/her social network. (2) As to usage on social network, the study finds, the longer frequency and more time people use social network, the more social marketing message they get, and the more numbers of social marketing activities they join. They are more likely to take part in some special social marketing activities which are good enough to show off to their friends. They are looking forward to their friends giving them the envy responses from which they feel sense of superiority. (3) On the influence of reliability and social interpersonal relationship, users trust more on the message which is posted from the Strong-Tie links or opinion leaders. It shows that the more number of friends the users have, the more social marketing messages they receive, and the more number of social marketing activities they participate. (4) For privacy, according to the investigation, the number of friends on social networking sites has a reverse relationship to privacy concern. Because female users tend to concern more about privacy, they have higher refusing rate to add others to their friend list on social networking sites than male users. Furthermore, people get easy to take part in the “check-in” social marketing activities if the message is “liked” by the Strong-Tie links. People prefer to join “check-in” social marketing activities which can get feedback directly without complicated steps. (5) On the part of the “check-in” social marketing activities target characteristic, the sdudy finding suggests that male users and students seem to be good target groups of “check-in” social marketing activities. They have lower privacy concern, higher willingness to take part in social marketing activities, and higher willingness to share marketing messages on Facebook. It is suggested that better effect of “check-in” social marketing will be resulted from male and students.


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