Leadership Dynamics in the Modern Era: A Comparative Study of Transformative and Controversial Leaders


  • Mustafa Osman I. Elamin Hamad Bin Khalifa University-Qatar




Transformative Leadership, Controversial Leaders, Leadership Ethics, Crisis Management, Comparative Analysis, Leadership Development


Embarks on a critical exploration of leadership effectiveness against the backdrop of escalating global crises, such as catastrophic events, conflicts, poverty, infectious diseases, and corruption. Asserting the contemporary world's dire need for capable leadership, this study aims to dissect the core criteria and standards essential for developing leaders proficient in navigating the complexities of modern societies. With a focus on the descriptive and comparative analysis of both transformative and controversial leaders from various sectors and countries, the research meticulously examines their leadership styles, strategies, and ethical considerations to discern the qualities that distinguish effective leaders in times of crisis. The study is driven by the objective to answer pivotal questions regarding the criteria for capable leadership and the standards necessary to cultivate future leaders who can adeptly address and mitigate the multifaceted challenges plaguing modern countries. Through a comprehensive evaluation of case studies, the research aims to illuminate the patterns, divergences, and commonalities in leadership approaches, decision-making processes, and their consequential impact on societal well-being and governance. Anticipating the establishment of a robust framework for leadership assessment and development, the study underscores the importance of ethical standards, resilience, and strategic foresight in shaping leaders equipped to lead with integrity, innovation, and inclusivity. By contributing to the scholarly discourse on leadership, this research aspires to provide actionable insights and recommendations for the development of future leaders capable of confronting and surmounting the current era's global challenges with competence and ethical consideration. This in-depth analysis is not only timely but essential for understanding the dynamics of leadership in the modern era, offering a blueprint for cultivating leaders who can truly make a difference in a world rife with crisis and uncertainty.







How to Cite

Leadership Dynamics in the Modern Era: A Comparative Study of Transformative and Controversial Leaders. (2024). International Journal of Religion, 5(5), 379-392. https://doi.org/10.61707/jesf6626

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