A Proposed Vision About the Requirements for Transforming Najran University into A Green University


  • Mohammad Maher Al-Hammar Mohammad Assistant Professor of Management and Planning, College of Education, Najran University
  • Mahmoud Mostafa Mohammad Ibrahim Assistant Professor of Educational Foundations, College of Education, Najran University
  • Hani Ahmed Ismail Ahmed Lecturer of Psychology at the College of Education, Najran University




A Proposed Vision, Requirements, Green University


The purpose of this study was to formulate a suggested plan for converting Najran University into a green university. Four scholarly articles that lay the foundation for creating a suggested plan for converting Najran University into a green university were published before this study. The first dealt with Requirements for Najran University to transform into a green university in light of the experiences of some Arab and international universities, The second study dealt with Faculty members’ opinions on the requirements for Najran University to become a green university, The third study dealt with: Students’ opinions about the requirements for Najran University to become a green university, The fourth study dealt with, Employees’ opinions about the requirements for Najran University to become a green university, The last phase involves using the findings of these studies to develop a suggested plan for Najran University's transformation, taking into account the views of staff, students, and professors as well as the experiences of a few other international, Saudi, and Arab universities. 







How to Cite

A Proposed Vision About the Requirements for Transforming Najran University into A Green University. (2024). International Journal of Religion, 5(1), 680-690. https://doi.org/10.61707/0mxrq155

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