Indonesia's Geostrategic Position in Global and Regional Politics: Government Preparation


  • Rd. Heri Solehudin Country of Rd. Heri Solehudin Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA Jakarta, Indonesia


ASEAN Community, Geostrategic conditions, Global politics, Political developments, Political dynamics


The People's Republic of China (PRC) and the United States (US) continue to compete for power and influence in various places, particularly in Asia. Southeast Asia is also unifying ASEAN countries under the ASEAN Community Accord. It is vital to recognize the impact of pressure on Indonesia's geostrategic development. Failure to anticipate this can have harmful implications and risk the nation's interests in accomplishing its goals and ideals. However, development strategy research has yet to be adequately reviewed, considered, and integrated within Indonesia's geostrategic setting. This is particularly essential considering the dynamic character of developments within the current strategic environment. Thus, the government must vigorously defend Indonesia's geostrategic position in global and regional politics. These efforts should be a significant input and consideration in national and state issues, ensuring Indonesia's national interests are safeguarded. Therefore, the government can effectively pursue its national goals and aspirations. The preservation and seamless continuance of Indonesia's national ideals can be maintained. A comprehensive literature assessment was undertaken in the past decade utilizing the hazing publish or perish (PoP) application, which involved the utilization of various databases, including "PupMed," "ABIInform," "EBSO Host," "Emerald," "Google Scholar," "Science Direct," "ProQuest," "Web of Science," and "ERIC." This study incorporates the employment of concepts such as "global politics," "ASEAN Community," "political developments," "political dynamics," and "geostrategic conditions." Insufficient infrastructure and limited accessibility. This study provides a complete survey of the extant literature on global and regional political development processes. A comprehensive examination of long-term effects and comparing distribution tactics and research methods are needed. This research explores the requirement of predicting distinct vulnerabilities within each National Resilience Gatra in light of global and regional political development dynamics. In light of the input and optimistic outlook surrounding endeavours to execute primary national responsibilities, safeguard national interests, and actualize national objectives in pursuit of Indonesia's national aspirations, further investigation is warranted into global and regional political development dynamics. Additional work is necessary to address this gap.


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How to Cite

Solehudin, R. H. (2024). Indonesia’s Geostrategic Position in Global and Regional Politics: Government Preparation. Revenue Journal: Management and Entrepreneurship, 1(2).