Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Fires occur almost every year on ships and ships under construction and repair. In the case of ship repair docks and shipyards, evacuation of people in case of fire is complicated by the volume of fire-hazardous and fire works. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use artificial intelligence technology, which will take into account the place of ignition, the rate of fire spread and the influence of fire hazards. To optimize and improve the efficiency of paperwork, it is proposed to use the technology of «big data» (Big Data). It will allow you to receive and analyze simultaneously several dozen processes taking place at the facility: routine maintenance, serviceability of fire protection systems and the availability of qualifications for an employee performing fire work. The practical significance of the proposed measures lies in their use to increase the effectiveness of fire prevention at shipbuilding facilities.

fire prevention, digitalization of fire prevention, fire safety of shipbuilding facilities
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