A monolithic 111-M Pixel High Speed, High Resolution CCD
Richard Bredthauer1, Kasey Boggs1, Greg Bredthauer1
1Semiconductor Technology Associates, Inc., 27122 Paseo Espada, Suite 1004 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92677


A 111-Mega pixel, 92x92 mm2, full-frame CCD imager with 9x9 um2 pixel size has been developed for use in scientific applications. The device is designed for ultra-high resolution imaging for OEM customers in fields such as biotechnology, microscopy, crystallography, astronomy, spectroscopy, and aerial reconnaissance, among others. It uses innovative design techniques to achieve low RMS noise and high MTF at readout speeds varying from 1 Mpixel/s to 25 Mpixel/sec, providing detailed information on its design, performance capabilities, and commercial uses.
Publisher: IISS (Int. Image Sensors Society)
Year: 2007
Workshop: IISW


Charge Coupled Device (CCD), Charge Transfer Efficiency (CTE), RMS Noise, Quantum Efficiency (QE),


1) J. Janesick, "Scientific Charged Coupled Devices", SPIE Press, 2001.
2) Philbrick, R., Geary, J.,Dunham, E., Koch, D., "95 Million Pixel Focal Plane for use on the Kepler Discovery Mission", P.Amico (ed.), Scientific Detectors for Astronomy, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
3) J. Janesick, K. Klassen and T. Elliot, "Charge-coupled device charge collection efficiency and the photon-transfer technique", Optical Engineering Vol. 26 No. 10, 1987.
4) S.J. Strunk, J.R.F. McMacken, S.R. Kamasz, W.D. Washkurak, F. Ma, and S.G. Chamberlain, "The development of a 4 Million Pixel CCD Imager for Aerial Reconnaissance".