Springer Nature

SOPHIE: Spitzoid Tumor dataset with clinical metadata & Whole Slide Images for Deep Learning models

Posted on 2023-10-11 - 10:44
A whole slide image dataset of Spitzoid tumors. Including benign tumors (Spitz Nevus), Spitzoid Melanomas and Spitzoid Tumor of Unknown Malignant Potential (STUMP) associated with clinical metadata. WSIs are grouped into three categories according to the histopathological diagnosis and each file is named according to the following format: Spitz Nevus (SN_00XX), Spitzoid Melanoma (SM_00XX), and Spitzoid Tumor of Unknown Malignant Potential (STUMP_00XX). In the SM group, there are two cases with more than one WSI. SM_0015 ("SM_0015A" and "SM_0015B") are two images of different regions of the same tumor. In SM_0016, "SM_0016A" is the primary tumor, while "SM_0016B" and "SM_0016C" are the lymph node metastasis of the same patient. Additionaly the is a excell file with the corresponding clinical data for each case.


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Andres Mosquera-Zamudio
Laëtitia Launet
Rocío del Amor
Anaïs Moscardó
Valery Naranjo
Carlos Monteagudo
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