
Abstract: Particle ejection and reaccretion of mm- to cm-sized particles onto the regolith of Bennu, is an important but until recently undiscovered mass transport process on asteroids. About 104 to 105 particles may be launched per year with 85% of them redeposited and the remainder exceeding the escape velocity. Consequently, a large number of pebble-sized fragments were relocated on Bennu’s surface, leading to global and thorough mass transport and regolith mixing. To better understand such activity on Bennu and its potential to transport mass globally on similar asteroids, we conducted a Monte Carlo analysis. Tens of thousands of fragments were released from the surface of asteroids with 1­–100 Bennu radii. The ejecta redeposited onto the surface after orbiting the asteroid up to several times or escaped the asteroid’s gravity directly. Fragment trajectories were recorded, and the efficiency of global transport was evaluated.




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