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Ray Subhasis (Intervention)
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Creative Commons (BY NC)
DOI : 10.60527/0j4y-7860
Citer cette ressource :
Ray Subhasis. CANAL AUNEGE. (2016, 15 avril). Sustainable marketing: Case of India , in Innovative CSR policy for global performance. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 2 juin 2024)

Sustainable marketing: Case of India

Réalisation : 15 avril 2016 - Mise en ligne : 24 août 2016
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The presentation is about the need to think differently about business and sustainable development. He will question the importance of quick growth that is so prevalent in western business literature.  In particular, emerging economies need to create alternative pathways for business growth that is sustainable, eco-friendly, just and locally relevant. The change has to be led by start in universities and business school.


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