Counteracting drought in the Polish national security system. A model of solutions for retention and protection of water resources
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Akademia Sztuki Wojennej, Warszawa, Polska
Państwowa Uczelnia Zawodowa im. Ignacego Mościckiego, Ciechanów, Polska
Publication date: 2023-08-10
Bezpieczeństwo Narodowe 2023;42(1):195-221
The purpose of the article is to present the current state of affairs and propose new solutions for emergency management of state security, taking into account water retention as a complementary element in counteracting floods, droughts and pollution of watercourses, as well as fire protection. This article also shows how such a model – which takes into account the active participation of social actors and public institutions – can be implemented. The authors argue that through the adoption of Local Water Retention and Protection Strategies at the local and micro-catchment levels, it will become possible to create a comprehensive system of water retention and protection in the Republic of Poland, as well as – using the Polish example – within the European Union. The application of this model will allow the implementation of Poland’s greatest strategic challenge in the area of ensuring food security, i.e. a universal system of supplying agriculture with water for agricultural production. The specific objectives of the presented model include the presentation of solutions dedicated to the economic development of society, the protection of the environment and biodiversity, as well as the country’s food security, and, consequently, the development and adaptation of knowledge to the changing climate reality in Poland and Europe. The content presented in the article refers to the scientific achievements of the authors contained in their publications, thus constituting a synthesis of their previous knowledge. This text presents issues concerning the crisis management of state security and the implementation of its new formula with the participation of farmers, entrepreneurs, social, public entities and state institutions (in a “bottom-up” formula). Thus, a comprehensive approach to the retention and protection of water resources in Poland in the dimension of state security, and on its example – in the European Union, is presented. The article presents basic, theoretical research. To compile the text, the following methods were used: system analysis (to determine the way of organization of the crisis management system with water retention); idealization method (to generate organizational and functional solutions); set method (to determine the adopted organizational interpretation), modeling (to show the functional model of water retention management within the crisis management system and strategic state security in the context of the formulation and implementation of objectives and ways to achieve them over time).
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