An Inquiry into the Evolution of the Project-based Instructional Approach “Three” from “A Program” to “A High-quality Course”

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Mengru Li
Ike M. Kitili


Within the context of education reform, there is a pressing need to overhaul and enhance the existing educational approach. As part of this endeavor, it is imperative to establish a more adaptable and multifaceted project-based teaching methodology. However, it is important to acknowledge that this approach also exhibits certain inherent limits, which become increasingly apparent during its implementation. However, it is worth considering if this particular pedagogical approach can effectively address its inherent limits and successfully facilitate the desired transformation and advancement of the educational system. This research aims to examine the efficacy of the “three” teaching approach in facilitating the transition from a mere instructional plan to an effective classroom experience.


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How to Cite
Li, M., & Kitili, I. M. (2023). An Inquiry into the Evolution of the Project-based Instructional Approach “Three” from “A Program” to “A High-quality Course”. EIKI Journal of Effective Teaching Methods, 1(3).
Short Reports


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