
  • Muhammad Yusuf Fadhlan Politeknik Negeri Bandung
  • Auliya Rahmawati
  • Novita Lestari Anggreini Politeknik TEDC Bandung



Parking Density, Vehicles Counter, Parking Area, Background Subtraction, Gaussian Mixture Model


There are still issues with a number of students parking their vehicles improperly in the parking spaces provided. This causes suboptimal parking capacity due to a lack of information about parking capacity. In recent years, at a certain library, vehicle detection has been implemented using a Gaussian mixture model algorithm using a Raspberry Pi. However, this library does not provide information about the density status of the parking area. Therefore, an information system was created to determine the level of density of the parking area based on the ratio of vehicles entering and exiting compared to the maximum capacity of the parking area. The system uses the Gaussian mixture model algorithm with the machine learning method of background subtraction MOG2, which can calculate the number of vehicles based on the difference between objects and the background of objects, using test data in the form of videos recorded using a camera positioned horizontally to the entrance and exit lanes of the parking area. This research resulted in an accuracy of 89.7% for Video1TA, precision of 93.2%, a crowded parking area density level, and a value of 129.12. Video2TA had a value of 101.08, precision of 100%, and accuracy of 90%, while Video3TA had an accuracy of 35%, precision of 56.7%, and a value of 49.48. The density levels of videos 2 and 3 are the same, indicating that the parking area is still empty. The test results show that the value can affect the system in detecting an object.


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