Modified Jackknife Ridge Estimator for Beta Regression Model With Application to Chemical Data


  • Zakariya Yahya Algamal Department of Statistics and Informatics, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq
  • Mohamed R. Abonazel Department of Applied Statistics and Econometrics, Faculty of Graduate Studies for Statistical Research, Cairo University, Egypt
  • Adewale F. Lukman Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Medical Sciences, Ondo, Nigeria



Beta regression model, linear regression model, multicollinearity, ridge, modified Jackknife


The linear regression model is not applicable when the response variable's value comes in percentages, proportions, and rates, which are restricted to the interval (0, 1). In this situation, we applied the beta regression model (BRM) popularly used to model chemical, environmental and biological data.  The parameters in the model are often estimated using the conventional method of maximum likelihood. However, this estimator is unreliable and inefficient when the explanatory variables are linearly correlated- a condition known as multicollinearity. Thus, we developed the Jackknife Beta ridge and the modified Jackknife Beta ridge estimator to estimate the regression coefficient when multicollinearity exists efficiently. The properties of the new estimators were derived. We compared the estimator's performance with the existing estimators theoretically using the mean squared error criterion. Furthermore, we conducted a simulation study and chemical data to evaluate the new estimators’ performance. The theoretical comparison, simulation, and real-life application results established the dominance of the proposed methods.




How to Cite

Algamal, Z. Y., Abonazel, M. R., & Lukman, A. F. (2023). Modified Jackknife Ridge Estimator for Beta Regression Model With Application to Chemical Data. International Journal of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, 1, 15–24.



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