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2016, br. 29, str. 33-55
Spacetime as a causal set: Universe as a growing block?
(naslov ne postoji na srpskom)
Technical University of Athens, Greece
(ne postoji na srpskom)
The causal set programme towards a quantum theory of gravity is situated vis-à-vis the long-standing debate between eternalism (block theory) and past-presentism or possibilism (growing block theory) in the philosophy of time. It is argued that despite 'appearances' and declarations to the contrary, the programme does not side with growing block theorists when it comes to harboring a robust notion of Becoming - at least, not more than familiar relativistic theories on continuous spacetime manifolds. The problem stems mainly from the postulate of discrete general covariance - a requirement imposed upon the only fully worked out kind of dynamics for causal sets to date, a dynamics of a classical stochastic process.
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O članku

jezik rada: engleski
vrsta rada: izvorni naučni članak
DOI: 10.5937/BPA1629033A
objavljen u SCIndeksu: 11.12.2017.

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