UPDATE: If you’re looking for publicly available grants go check out our new Open Grants website at https://www.ogrants.org/. It has way more grants and is searchable so that you can quickly find the grants most useful to you.

Recently a bunch of folks in the biological sciences have started sharing their grant proposals openly. Their reasons for doing so are varied (see the links next to their names below), but part of the common justification is a general interest in opening up science so that all stages of the process can benefit from better interaction and communication, and part of it is to provide examples for younger scientists writing grants. To help accomplish both of these goals I’m going to do what Titus Brown suggested and compile a list of all of the available open proposals in the biological sciences (if you’re looking for math proposals they have a list too). Given the limited number of proposals available at the moment I’m just going to maintain the list here, sorted alphabetically by PI. Another way to find proposals is to look at the ‘grant’ and ‘proposal’ tags on figshare, where several of us have been posting proposals. If you know of more proposals, decide to post some yourself, or have corrections to proposal in the list, just let me know in the comments and I’ll keep the list updated. Enjoy!

B. Arman Aksoy (@armish)

Casey Bergman (@caseybergman)

Dave Bridges (

Titus Brown (@ctitusbrown; read Titus’ thoughts on sharing proposals)

Scott Chamberlain (@recology_)

Endymion D. Cooper (@EndymionCooper)

Karen Cranston (@kcranstn)

Kelly Dawe

Morgan Ernest (@skmorgane)

Edmund (Ted) Harte (@DistribEcology)

Jan Jensen (@janhjensen; read Jan’s thoughts on sharing proposals)

Paula Mabee

Rod Page (@rdmpage; read Rod’s thoughts on sharing proposals)

David Pappano (@djpappano)

Heather Piwowar (@researchremix) & Jason Priem (@jasonpriem) (read their thoughts on sharing proposals)

Rosie Redfield (@RosieRedfield)

Andrey Revyakin

Jeff Ross-Ibarra

Menno Schilthuizen (@schilthuizen)

Delia S. Shelton

Andrew Su (@andrewsu)

Sarah Supp (@srsupp)

Tracy Teal (@tracykteal)

Andrew Tredennick (@ATredennick)

Heroen Verbruggen

Todd Vision (@tjvision)

Detlef Weigel (@PlantEvolution)

Ethan White (@ethanwhite; read Ethan’s thoughts on sharing proposals)

49 responses to “A list of publicly available grant proposals in the biological sciences”

  1. UPDATE: Apparently I got distracted by my toddler last night before adding in all of the twitter handles for folks who have made grants available. That has now been corrected.

    It’s also worth noting that because this is a list I’ll keep updating the post and to make things easier I’ll just note updates in the comments rather than attempting to keep a change log in the post itself.

  2. Thanks for putting this together Ethan! And for inspiring me to join in.

  3. Here are three of mine (Karen Cranston, @kcranstn)
    * NSF AVATOL 2011, “Automated and community synthesis of the tree of life”, http://opentree.wikispaces.com/Grant+Proposal
    * NAF ABI 2010, “Towards a comprehensive, community-owned and sustainable repository of reusable phylogenetic knowledge”, http://www.evoio.org/wiki/ABI_2011_proposal
    * NSF INTEROP 2009, “A network for enabling community-driven standards to link evolution into the global web of data (EvoIO)”, http://www.evoio.org/wiki/NSF_INTEROP_2009

  4. Thanks Karen! I justed added them to the main post.

  5. UPDATE: More proposals by Scott Chamberlain added.

  6. BTW @kcranstn’s AVAToL proposal is funded. (The other two are not – oddly those are the ones I’m co-PI on…)

    The Dryad proposals (PI: @tjvision) have been available (and both were/are funded):

    The current Phenoscape grant (PIs: P. Mabee and @tjvision) has been, too:

    I thought the first one had been too, but I can’t find it posted now.

  7. Thanks Hilmar! I just added all of that information to the main post.

  8. Ethan, very useful list. I posted some of my proposals here: http://phycoweb.net/projects/projects.html

  9. Thanks Heroen! I’ve just updated the list with your grants.

  10. […] you try your luck with that Post-Doc grant proposal, check out some of these other Biology grant proposals that researchers have made publicly available (I especially like that they’ve noted which were actually […]

  11. […] biology researcher Ethan White has compiled a list of publicly available grant proposals in the biological sciences (thanks to Phil Ward for highlighting this). Often university research offices make available […]

  12. Added Ted Harte’s funded NSF DDIG.

  13. UPDATE: Just added Tracy Teal’s LTER Training Workshop proposal (with Greg Wilson and myself).

  14. UPDATE: Added Andrew Tredennick’s funded NASA predoc proposal.
    UPDATE to comment: correctly indicated both here and in the page that is was a predoc proposal.

  15. UPDATE: Added Ted Hart and Scott Chamberlain’s NCEAS proposal. Thanks guys!

  16. […] resources, including this set of slides by Russ Altman at Stanford (thanks, @andrewsu!) and a list of publicly avilable grant proposals in the biological sciences by Jabberywocky Ecology. If you’re interested in reading more about […]

  17. Don’t know if any of you have considered this, but you need a signed FERPA release to post the names of any students (including grad) and/or postdocs publicly, as in these grant proposals.

  18. UPDATE: Added David Pappano’s grants.

  19. Hi Ethan,

    Please find attached link to my Case of Support. It got funded by the BBSRC.


  20. Thanks Andrey – done!

    UPDATE: Added Andrey Revyakin’s grant.

  21. […] limitations, but the general themes and goals are still relevant. I’ve benefited from reading proposals that other people have shared, so I thought it was time to share some of […]

  22. […] see. This is in keeping with a new philosophy of science transparency, and there are some excellent lists of publicly available grant proposals. Hopefully, this helps you understand what goes into the beginnings of a research project, after […]

  23. UPDATE: Added Morgan Ernest’s preproposal.

  24. Thanks @andrewsu. It’s been added.

    UPDATE: Added Andrew Su’s Gene Wiki proposal and Ethan White’ Moore Investigator in Data Driven Discovery proposal.

  25. UPDATE: Added proposals by Dave Bridges and Arman Aksoy.

  26. Good ide; I’ve just posted five of my grant proposals on Figshare: http://figshare.com/authors/Menno_Schilthuizen/662106

  27. Thanks for sharing @schilthuizen! I’ve added your grants to the list.

  28. Added Sarah Supp’s funded NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship proposal.

  29. […] number of scientists that are sharing their grant proposals – check out a list for Ecology here. Openly sharing grant proposals has been discussed recently in some great posts by other ecologists […]

  30. Reblogged this on It's not easy to be a PhD and commented:
    Useful stuff…

  31. Thanks Anne!

  32. […] for public viewing, then I’d post them on my website. And this is something that people have done. Thanks for the altruism! (Meanwhile, I feel like research programs at my university need to […]

  33. Endymion D. Cooper Avatar
    Endymion D. Cooper

    My successful Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship Proposal is here: http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1456169

  34. Thanks Endymion! I’ve added it to the list.

    UPDATE: Added Endymion Cooper’s fellowship to the list.

  35. Update: Added Delia Shelton NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Thanks Delia!

  36. […] Jabberwocky Ecology: Links to proposals in the biological sciences, most submitted to government agencies. […]

  37. […] the grants, and unknowingly joined a really awesome cadreof folk who had already done the same(http://jabberwocky.weecology.org/2012/08/10/a-list-of-publicly-available-grant-proposals-in-the-biol…).Most feedback I’ve gotten has been from grad students and undergradswho really appreciate the […]

  38. […] Lista de propostas de concessão de acesso público  […]

  39. […] left people off the list like Titus and Ethan who have gone all in, even posting their grants online. I did this because they are very loud advocates of open science, but I wanted to highlight quieter […]

  40. Ross – thanks for the contribution and sorry for the delay in getting it up. I’ve posted all of the grants at that link that I had enough metadata about.

  41. Update: Added Delia Sehlton’s NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship proposal and associated reviews.

  42. Update: Added Andrew Tredenick’s funded NSF postdoc proposal.

  43. annecarpenter1 Avatar

    Hi there, check out the many proposals, CVs, etc at the Broad/MIT CommKit; plus nice guidance on writing: http://mitcommlab.mit.edu/broad/use-the-commkit/

  44. […] to all. Others have joined him in this, and he has compiled the beginnings of a list of ‘publicly available grant proposals in the biological sciences‘. There’s also one for the mathematical sciences, too. These have now led to the […]

  45. Hello, I was trying to access David Pappano’s Leakey Foundation grant but seems like the link is broken. Is there any other place I could access it by chance? Thank you so much for creating this wonderful website! It is really helpful for early career researchers such as myself.

  46. Thanks for your patience. All of the open grants work has moved to https://www.ogrants.org/ which has all of the most up to date information. Unfortunately it looks like that proposal isn’t there, probably because the link broke at some point and we couldn’t reach the original poster to get it put back on the web.

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