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Barotrauma is a trauma or wound that occurs in the organs of the body due to sudden changes in air pressure around either change in pressure in the air or underwater. This literature review aimed to describe barotrauma from a traumatology perspective. In the case of barotrauma, the pathophysiology will follow Boyle's law. Namely, there is a relationship between the volume of gas in a closed room and the surrounding environment. Barotrauma that occurs when the pressure drops are called a squeeze. Squeeze events occur when there is a space filled with air and a membrane with a supply of blood flow from arteries and veins and experience a sudden change in pressure. Manifestations of barotrauma can also occur in the teeth, spine, and joints due to sharp and rapid changes in pressure. Damage to the teeth can occur because air is trapped in the teeth or because the teeth are sensitive to pressure. Damage to the spine and joints can occur because the pressure causes the vertebral discs to shift or damage the joint tissue. In conclusion, barotrauma is damage caused by pressure differences in the body, especially in the ears, lungs, and sinuses. Deaths from barotrauma are commonly associated with diving, especially freediving and gear diving.


Air pressure Barotrauma Eustachian tube Lung decompression Water pressure

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How to Cite
Nasution, I. S. (2023). A Review of Barotrauma from Diving: A Narrative Literature Review. Sriwijaya Journal of Forensic and Medicolegal, 1(1), 8-11.