Potential and Valorization of the Geological Heritage of the High Atlas of Marrakech, Morocco


  • Salma WAKASS Ibnou Zohr University
  • Ahmed ALGOUTI Cadi Ayyad University
  • Fatiha HADACH Ibnou Zohr University
  • Naji JDABA Ibnou Zohr University
  • Zaina NIDSAID Cadi Ayyad University
  • Mohamed Lakhlili Cadi Ayyad University
  • Hayat EL KHOUNAIJRI Cadi Ayyad University




Geotourism, Geomorphology, Geosites Circuit, Geodidactic, High Atlas of Marrakech


Geotourism is a specific form of nature tourism focused on the discovery of geology and geomorphology. The question this study seeks to answer is how, in a context still dominated by mass tourism subject to the influences of a large metropolis of Marrakech we can address the questions of highlighting, elaboration, valorization and marketing of a wide range of themes linked to the history of the Earth, intake into account the multiple interactions with biodiversity, the evolution of landscapes cultural and current use of the territory by man.

The identification, inventory of geosites, creation of interpretation circuits and geodidactic trails proposed in this study will be rewarding mechanisms and tools this geological or biological heritage wealth.

Among the geosites which are of geodidactic interest:

  1. Tectonic geotope of the tahanaout basin
  2. Tectonic geosite in the Azzaden valley
  3. Tamessoult hydrological geosite
  4. Tinine technical geosite
  5. Tectonic and synsedimentary tibizzit geosite
  6. Synsedimentary tectonic geotope kik plateau
  7. Ouaousaft geomorphosite
  8. Tasksout tectonic geosite
  9. Structural geotope of imlil
  10. Imlil petrographic geosite

The geotourism circuits offered in the Ghighaya and Azzaden valley allow locals to have additional financial income, which is much appreciated and superior, compared to what generates the traditional activity of agriculture.

Author Biographies

Salma WAKASS, Ibnou Zohr University

Laboratory: Geosciences, Environnment and Geomatics, Morocco

Ahmed ALGOUTI, Cadi Ayyad University

Laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote sensing, Morocco

Fatiha HADACH, Ibnou Zohr University

Laboratory: Geosciences, Environnment and Geomatics, Morocco

Naji JDABA, Ibnou Zohr University

Laboratory: Geosciences, Environnment and Geomatics, Morocco

Zaina NIDSAID, Cadi Ayyad University

Laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote sensing, Morocco

Mohamed Lakhlili, Cadi Ayyad University

Laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote sensing,  Morocco

Hayat EL KHOUNAIJRI, Cadi Ayyad University

Laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote sensing, Morocco




How to Cite

WAKASS, S., ALGOUTI, A., HADACH, F., JDABA, N., NIDSAID, Z., Lakhlili, M., & EL KHOUNAIJRI, H. (2023). Potential and Valorization of the Geological Heritage of the High Atlas of Marrakech, Morocco. AS-Proceedings, 1(4), 569–574. https://doi.org/10.59287/as-proceedings.405

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