Insights into the Crystal Structure, Hirshfeld Surface, and Void Analysis of a Malononitrile Derivative Compound


  • Sevgi Kansız Department of Fundamental Sciences, Samsun University, Turkey
  • Necmi Dege Department of Physics, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey



Crystal Structure, Malononitrile, Benzylidenemalononitrile Derivatives, Hirshfeld Surface, π-Stacking


– Malononitriles and their benzylidene derivatives represent a broad class of organic compounds celebrated for their diverse pharmacological activities. Their pivotal role in condensation reactions, owing to the reactivity of the active nucleophilic methylene group, holds significance across various industries, including medicine, industry, and agriculture. The structural analysis of the benzylidenemalononitrile derivative, C11H8N2, reveals an approximate planar configuration (r.m.s. deviation for all non-H atoms = 0.023 Å) with no significant intermolecular interactions. In the crystal structure, weak aromatic π– π stacking [centroid–centroid separation = 4.060 (8) Å] is evident between inversion-related pairs of central benzene rings. A comprehensive investigation of molecular interactions within the crystal was performed using Hirshfeld surface analysis and 2D fingerprinting. The quantified 2D plots of intermolecular atom contacts reveal values for N⋯H (39.6%), H⋯H (26.2%), C⋯H (18.7%), and C⋯C (13.6%). Furthermore, a void analysis was conducted to appraise the mechanical stability of the crystals. Evaluation of electron densities from spherical and symmetric atoms within the asymmetric unit revealed the absence of significant voids, thereby affirming the mechanical integrity of the crystal. The outcome of this analysis provides valuable insights into the structure and properties of the benzylidenemalononitrile derivative, shedding light on its potential applications in various fields.




How to Cite

Kansız, S., & Dege, N. (2023). Insights into the Crystal Structure, Hirshfeld Surface, and Void Analysis of a Malononitrile Derivative Compound. AS-Proceedings, 1(2), 534–538.

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