The Impact of Constructive Learning Applied to the Teaching of Numerical Methods


  • Shkelqim Hajrulla Computer Engineering Department/ Epoka University, Tirana, Albania
  • Taylan Demir Department of Mathematics/Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey
  • Leonard Bezati Department of Mathematics/University of Vlora, Albania
  • Robert Kosova Department of Mathematics/University "A. Moisiu". Durres, Albania



Mathematics Curriculum, Modeling, Numerical Methods, Strategies, Educational Approach


In this article, we deal with some applied teaching methods in education. Using numerical methods in some articles, our research raises the question and gives the answer to why a constructive learning method has been applied to the teaching of numerical methods. Together with some practical aspects of implementing this approach, our article gives the ways to how constructive mathematics helps on models applied for an undergraduate course in numerical methods. Teaching both the mathematical theory of numerical analysis and the skill of implementing numerical algorithms is a great deal and a big challenge for applied studies. Problems concerned with an iterative method and some practical solutions are used for getting good results. What is discussed here is why a constructive learning method has been applied to the teaching of numerical methods, together with some practical aspects of implementing this approach. Statistical data and results are applied.




How to Cite

Hajrulla, S., Demir, T., Bezati, L., & Kosova, R. (2023). The Impact of Constructive Learning Applied to the Teaching of Numerical Methods. AS-Proceedings, 1(1), 57–64.