A Prospective Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Trenexamic Acid in Addition to Oxytocin for Prevention of Post Partum Hemorrhage

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Rini Bachotiya
Gayatri Mathuriya
Deepmala Chauhan
Rini Bachotiya


Background: One of the most prevalent causes of maternal mortality worldwide is postpartum hemorrhage which can be prevented by early prompt action. Active control of the third stage of labor is one such intervention that is strongly recommended.
Methods: Prospective, randomized, comparative study conducted in Department of Obgyn in MY Hospital, Indore, with comparative groups of 500 each. One group received oxytocin alone and other group received oxytocin and trenexamic acid both.
Results: The mean age in group I was 23.73 ± 3.53 years and in group II it was 23.83 ± 3.34 years, showing a comparable mean age between the two groups. The incidence of anemia was 9.6%, PPH was 6.0% and hemorrhagic shock was 0.6% in group I and in group II it was 8.0, 5.4 and 0.8%, respectively. The incidence of anemia and postpartum hemorrhage was higher in group I in comparison to group II. The mean blood loss in group I was 257.04 ± 139.17 mL, while in group II it was 242.60 ± 120.89 mL, showing a significantly lower blood loss in group II in comparison to the group I shows that trenexamic acid shows decrease and blood loss and anemia and occurance of PPH.
Conclusions: Analysis concluded that tranexamic acid tended to minimize blood loss and the need for blood transfusions during childbirth during caesarean sections and vaginal deliveries and appeared safe and efficient for prevention and control of bleeding during pregnancy.

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How to Cite
Bachotiya, R. ., Mathuriya, G. ., Chauhan, D. ., & Bachotiya, R. . (2024). A Prospective Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Trenexamic Acid in Addition to Oxytocin for Prevention of Post Partum Hemorrhage. Central India Journal of Medical Research, 3(01), 16–19. https://doi.org/10.58999/cijmr.v3i01.151
Research Article



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