Language And Communication With A Gender Perspective At Pesantren (Boarding School) Al-Ikhsan, Purwokerto

1Kilau Riksaning Ayu, 2Safrina Arifiani Felayati, 3Ashlikhatul Fuaddah, 4Chistophorus Herutomo
1,2,3,4Jenderal Soedirman University


Various studies highlight that there is gender bias in pesantren rooted in a preserved patriarchal culture. On the other hand, the government supports gender awareness, referring to the points of goals 4 and 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Departing from these problems, a study was conducted at Pesantren Al-Ikhsan Beji, Purwokerto, to determine how Pesantren contributes to achieving the 4th and 5th SDGs. The learning system at Pesantren Al-Ikhsan has two systems, salaf and modern, which are interesting to research. Phenomenological studies are conducted to determine the perspective and learning process in pesantren.The results showed that gender construction is closely tied to social and religious norms that create expectations for certain provisions related to the roles and behavior of students. In pesantren, there are boundaries of interaction between men and women that reflect the values of modesty and honor. The results showed different gender perspectives based on education level and gender. Most students and teachers realize gender is a social construction related to binding roles. Furthermore, the results showed that pesantren have contributed to achieving SDG 4 (quality education) and implicitly socialized SDG 5 (gender equality) in the learning process. Regarding the learning process, Pesantren Al-Ikhsan has been adaptive by applying methods that integrate technology and social media. However, there needs to be more involvement of students, such as in deliberative activities, which are shown only for men with considerations based on Islamic religious teachings.


phenomenology, gender perspective, pesantren, sustainable development goals


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