The Impact of Teamwork on Job Satisfaction in Vietnam

1Cuong, T. T., 2Linh, B. P., 3Linh, N.K., 4Hue, T. H., 5Phuong, H.T.M
1,2Faculty of Management Science, National Economics University
3International School of Management and Economics, National Economics University
4Le Quang Chi High School
5School of Advanced Education Programs, National Economics University


This study investigates the impact of teamwork on job satisfaction in Vietnam, employing qualitative methods to explore this dynamic within the Vietnamese workforce. The research, grounded in interviews and questionnaires, delves into how collective work dynamics influence employee contentment, particularly in a cultural setting where collectivism is deeply ingrained. A significant positive correlation between teamwork and job satisfaction is revealed through the study, highlighting the importance of collaborative work environments for employee satisfaction. This correlation is substantiated by the strong internal consistency in the reliability analysis of both Job Satisfaction and Teamwork scales. Additionally, the research discusses various factors, including Vietnam's cultural values, rapidly developing economy, and a blend of Asian and Western management styles, contributing to this relationship. The study's findings resonate with the work of several authors in the field, confirming the essential role of teamwork in fostering a satisfied and productive workforce. However, it also acknowledges limitations such as sample diversity and methodological constraints, suggesting a blend of qualitative and quantitative methods and broader industry representation for future research.


Teamwork, Job Satisfaction, Workplace Culture, Workforce Dynamics.


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