Achievement of Artificial Insemination Performances in Bali Province

1Ni Putu Sarini, 2Ni Made Paramita Setyani, 3Ni Nyoman Suryani, 4I Wayan Suarna, 5Putu Iin Sulistyawati
1Lab. Animal Breeding and Biomolecular Sciences, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University
2Animal Husbandry Study Program Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Faculty of Animal Husbandry- Nusa Cendana University
3Lab. Animal Nutrition and Feed, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Udayana University
4Lab. Forage Plants Faculty of Animal Husbandry-Udayana University
5Department of Agriculture and Food Security Service Bali Province


Increasing the beef cattle population and its productivity can be done by optimizing the implementation of Artificial Insemination (AI) technology. This research aims to determine the achievement of Artificial Insemination performances in Bali Province, using reported data of the Sikomandan program implementation from each district to the Department of Agriculture and Food Security Service in Bali Province. The report obtained was taken from Insikhnas including data on AI targets, AI realization, NRR (PKB), CR (pregnancy), and CvR (births) from 2019 to 2022. The parameters observed were the percentage achievement of AI realization from the set target, the percentage of PKB, pregnancy, and births from AI realization in all districts and cities in Bali Province. The calculation results of all these parameters were then analyzed descriptive qualitatively. The results of this research show that the achievement of AI realization in Bali Province was very good with an average achievement of above 100%, namely ranging from 87.5% to 151.11%. The NRR value shown by the number of successful PKBs carried out from 2019 to 2022 was namely 78.32%, 63.35%, 71.29%, and 16.2% while the CR was 57.28%, 35.48%, 34.55%, and 55.89 respectively. The AI indicator that determines the increasing population was the number of calves that harvested successfully (CvR) was 49.55% (2019), 69.10% (2020), 34.55% (2021), and 55.89% (2022).


Artificial Insemination of Cattle, AI Performance in cattle, NRR, CR, CvR


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