Sociology and Social Work Review




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ISSN: 2573-3222 (Print) | eISSN: 2573-3230 (Online)



Volume 7, Issue 2 (December 2023)



Eugenia Udangiu



Book review

Constantin Schifirneț, Tendential modernity, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2021, 374 pp., ISBN: 978-3-659-26837-3


To cite this article:

Udangiu, E. (2023), “Book Review. Constantin Schifirneț, Tendential modernity, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2021, 374 pp., ISBN: 978-3-659-26837-3”, Sociology and Social Work Review, 7(2), 146-148, DOI:



Reflections on the modern evolution of societies reveal the fact that theories of modernization have imposed a kind of ideal type in the Weberian sense, useful for measuring the progress made on the difficult road of social change. The countries of Western Europe are the closest to this ideal type for the fact that the modernity itself was born from the cultural and historical-geographical specificity of their area. We can say that it was the primary modernity, but still tendential towards the theoretical model.

In the rest of Europe and the rest of the world for that matter, we have modernities, not modernity because they are rather peculiar types of modernity.

Keywords: Weberian sense; modernity; theoretical model; theories of modernization; societies.


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Book review. Constantin Schifirneț, Tendential modernity



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