Development of blended learning based learning module: Benefits to physical education learning outcomes

Galih Dewanti, Soni Nopembri, Widiyanto, Amri Hartanto


Galih Dewanti, Soni Nopembri, Widiyanto, Amri Hartanto – Development of blended learning based learning module: Benefits to physical education learning outcomes –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 12-17


This research will first produce a product in the form of a learning module based on blended learning and its benefits to Physical Education (PE) learning outcomes. This research is a research and development model used is ADDIE. Subjects of expert validation using expert lecturers of PE learning with minimum qualifications of Doctoral degrees totaling 7 people. Subjects to determine the effectiveness of the product are 6 elementary schools that are determined by random sampling. Subjects totaled 79 students, of which 41 experimental class students and 38 control class students. The feasibility level of the PE learning module based on blended learning from the evaluation data of experts. Effectiveness testing using t test independent samples test. The results showed that the blended learning-based learning module developed was feasible and effective in improving PE learning outcomes. The module is web-based, utilizes text, audio, video, and multimedia and can be done during self-study. The development of blended learning-based learning modules is a means and motivation for learning in facilitating the learning process in improving student learning outcomes. Other researchers can conduct further research using blended learning-based learning modules covering more aspects and applying them to different learning materials.
learning module, blended learning, learning results, physical education
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