Eco-efficient well planning: Engineering solutions for reduced environmental impact in hydrocarbon extraction

Obobi Ume Onwuka * and Akinsola Adu

Shell Petroleum Development Company Nigeria.
International Journal of Scholarly Research in Multidisciplinary Studies, 2024, 04(01), 033–043.
Article DOI: 10.56781/ijsrms.2024.4.1.0028
Publication history: 
Received on 19 February 2024; revised on 26 March 2024; accepted on 29 March 2024
This paper explores the concept of eco-efficient well planning, aiming to minimize the environmental impact of hydrocarbon extraction through engineering solutions. Faced with increasing environmental concerns, the industry necessitates a shift towards sustainable practices. The paper analyzes technologies such as advanced drilling techniques, intelligent reservoir management, and real-time environmental monitoring. Key findings showcase the potential of eco-efficient well planning to significantly reduce the carbon footprint, water usage, and land disturbance associated with hydrocarbon extraction. Real-world examples demonstrate successful implementation in diverse contexts, highlighting economic viability, regulatory compliance, and improved stakeholder engagement. This research advocates for integrating eco-efficient well planning as a fundamental practice in the future of hydrocarbon extraction. The engineering solutions proposed offer a pathway to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious industry, contributing to a responsible energy landscape amidst global transitions to renewable sources.
Eco-Efficient; Well Planning; Engineering Solutions; Reduced Environmental Impact; Hydrocarbon; Extraction
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