Pathogenesis of Microbial Disease Review Article

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Shivani Sakthivel


Pathogenesis refers to the process through which a disease or illness develops. The majority of infections are caused by a number of microbial species. The average human body contains 10 trillion human cells that include approximately 100 trillion bacteria and other microorganisms. Humans and their naturally occurring microflora have a tangled mutually beneficial symbiotic interaction that is essential for optimal health. Millions of genes of microflora of the human body not only aid in normal human metabolic process but also cause opportunistic infections. The pathogenic microorganisms may be bacteria, virus, or fungi. This article summarizes the general paradigm of microbial disease pathogenesis.


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How to Cite
Shivani Sakthivel. (2023). Pathogenesis of Microbial Disease: Review Article. International Journal of Orofacial Biology, 7(1), 19–26.