Online ISSN : 1882-1499
Print ISSN : 1346-342X
ISSN-L : 1346-342X
徳永 仁高村 徳人古屋 弓子本屋 敏郎平井 正巳永田 将司河内 明夫鈴木 彰人松岡 俊和
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 33 巻 2 号 p. 172-180


The 4-week clinical training taken by students in the latter half of the third year of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Kyushu University of Health and Welfare consisted of three sections in three rotations,one of the sections devoted to bedside training.The content of this report comprises the students’evaluation of the training and discussion of the results of an opinion-based survey on how students saw themselves as pharmacists and direction the work of the pharmacists would take in the future.Students’interest in the training content and opinions on the importance of each training item and its degree of difficulty were investigated by means of a questionnaire survey(anonymous),and individual evaluations of training items were made according to a five-point scale.Students highly evaluated the use of role plays in the training.They item they found the most interesting was evaluation of the ease of swallowing of a medicinal wafer and a jelly.The next most interesting item was drug administration design using TDM.The items they felt were difficult included discussion on tools for improving pharmacists’skills,drug history records,and analysis of pharmacokinetic distribution.The need for certain improvements was found when the bedside training was first carried out.
More importantly,perhaps,through the training,the students not only learned aspects of the work of the pharmacist other than dispensing and basic hospital pharmaceutical skills,but also recognized their responsibilities as pharmacist in the future and realized the need for a patient-centered attitude towards medical care.

© 2007 日本医療薬学会