Heavy Metal Content in Water of Resko Lake (North-West Poland)

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The present research work deals with the quantification of toxic heavy metals in the water samples collected from Lake of Resko (North-West Poland). While the annual average concentration of Cadmium was calculated as 0.34 ppm in 2008 of the year and 0.28 ppm in 2009 of the year. The values obtained were found to be below the permissible limit of 2.0 ppm set for inland surface water. While the annual average concentration of Chromium was calculated as 1,75 ppm in 2008 of the year and 1.97 ppm in 2009 of the year. Which was very much above the permissible limit of 0.1 ppm set for inland surface water. The observed annual average concentration of Copper in the water was 0.05 ppm in 2008 of the year and 0.06 ppm in 2009 of the year, which was below the permissible limit of 3.0 ppm set for inland surface water. While the annual average concentration of Mercury was calculated as 0.03 ppm in 2008 of the year and 0.04 ppm in 2009 of the year, which was very much above the maximum limit of 0.01 ppm set for inland surface water. The annual average concentration of Nickel in the water samples was observed to be 2.07 ppm in 2008 of the year and 2.09 ppm in 2009 of the year, which is close to the limit of 3.0 ppm set for inland surface water. The annual average concentration of Pb in the water samples was observed to be 0.07 ppm in 2008 of the year and 0.05 ppm in 2009 of the year, which is above the permissible limit of 0.1 ppm set for inland surface water. The results of the present investigation indicate that the annual average concentration of Zn in water samples was 3.02 ppm in 2008 of the year and 2.74 ppm in 2009 of the year, which is above the permissible limit of 5.0 ppm set for inland surface water.





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