open access

Vol 92, No 7 (2021)
Research paper
Published online: 2021-03-19
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Knowledge and opinions of patients and medical staff about patients’ rights

Mariola Czajkowska1, Anna Janik1, Katarzyna Zborowska1, Ryszard Plinta1, Anna Brzek1, Violetta Skrzypulec-Plinta1
Pubmed: 33757155
Ginekol Pol 2021;92(7):491-497.
  1. Women’s Health Chair, School of Health Science, Medical University of Silesia, Poland

open access

Vol 92, No 7 (2021)
Published online: 2021-03-19


Objectives: The awareness of patients’ rights among medical personnel and patients themselves, together with their opinions concerning these rights, is a challenging issue for health professionals. Patients’ rights are very specific legal regulations that have been drafted to protect patients’ dignity and autonomy. The main objective of this research was to assess the knowledge of patients’ rights among medical personnel of health care institutions and among patients themselves. Specific objectives were also adopted, such as: assessment of the impact of the mode of hospital admissions on the knowledge of patients’ rights, analysis of factors influencing the knowledge of patients’ rights and the analysis of sources of knowledge concerning patients’ rights.
Material and methods: The study was conducted among two groups: patients and medical personnel. A group of 618 patients (including 411 women and 207 men) and 901 medical professionals (doctors, nurses, midwives) was examined via a questionnaire designed to verify their knowledge of patients’ rights and to collect their opinions on the applicable laws. An integral part of the questionnaire for patients was The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).
Results: The research showed a high knowledge of patient’s rights demonstrated by the surveyed doctors, nurses and midwives. Good knowledge of patients’ rights among healthcare professionals was reflected in good level of informing patients about their rights, which correlates with their high level of awareness.
Conclusions: The following conclusions were drawn based on the research: education, seniority and profession determine the knowledge and respecting patients’ rights, the mode of admission to hospital is a factor determining the knowledge of applicable patients’ rights, medical staff’s lack of knowledge about existing patients’ rights has a significant impact on exercising these rights or their violation.


Objectives: The awareness of patients’ rights among medical personnel and patients themselves, together with their opinions concerning these rights, is a challenging issue for health professionals. Patients’ rights are very specific legal regulations that have been drafted to protect patients’ dignity and autonomy. The main objective of this research was to assess the knowledge of patients’ rights among medical personnel of health care institutions and among patients themselves. Specific objectives were also adopted, such as: assessment of the impact of the mode of hospital admissions on the knowledge of patients’ rights, analysis of factors influencing the knowledge of patients’ rights and the analysis of sources of knowledge concerning patients’ rights.
Material and methods: The study was conducted among two groups: patients and medical personnel. A group of 618 patients (including 411 women and 207 men) and 901 medical professionals (doctors, nurses, midwives) was examined via a questionnaire designed to verify their knowledge of patients’ rights and to collect their opinions on the applicable laws. An integral part of the questionnaire for patients was The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).
Results: The research showed a high knowledge of patient’s rights demonstrated by the surveyed doctors, nurses and midwives. Good knowledge of patients’ rights among healthcare professionals was reflected in good level of informing patients about their rights, which correlates with their high level of awareness.
Conclusions: The following conclusions were drawn based on the research: education, seniority and profession determine the knowledge and respecting patients’ rights, the mode of admission to hospital is a factor determining the knowledge of applicable patients’ rights, medical staff’s lack of knowledge about existing patients’ rights has a significant impact on exercising these rights or their violation.

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right; patient; patients’ rights

About this article

Knowledge and opinions of patients and medical staff about patients’ rights


Ginekologia Polska


Vol 92, No 7 (2021)

Article type

Research paper



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Bibliographic record

Ginekol Pol 2021;92(7):491-497.


patients’ rights


Mariola Czajkowska
Anna Janik
Katarzyna Zborowska
Ryszard Plinta
Anna Brzek
Violetta Skrzypulec-Plinta

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