Reproductive strategies of Caltha palustris L. under various living conditions

Cezary Werpachowski


Reproductive effort and strategies of Caltha palustris were compared for four phytocoeno­ses located in the southern Biebrza basin: sedge reedswamp (Caricetum gracilis), sedge-moss community (Caricetum limoso-diandrae), willow-birch brushwood (Salix cinerea-Betula pubescens), and alder-bog forest (Carici elongatae-Alnetum), The individuals of analysed populations were found to differ with respect to their biomass allocation to generative and vegetative reproduction. Three types of reproductive strategies were distinguished: generative (G), vegetative (V) and intermediate (G/V). The individuals growing in the alder-bog forest had the highest reproductive effort (V strategy), while those from sedge reedswamp - the lowest (G strategy).


Caltha palustris; reproductive effort; vegetative and generative diaspores; biomass allocation

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Journal ISSN:
  • 2083-9480 (online)
  • 0001-6977 (print; ceased since 2016)
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Polish Botanical Society