Importance of incorporating diastratic and diaphasic parameters in the elaboration of the electronic corpus of colonial Mexican Spanish


  • Beatriz Arias Álvarez Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas-UNAM
  • Juan Antonio Hernández Mendoza Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas-UNAM


The objective of this work is to inform about the advantages that the electronic corpus of the Mexican-Colonial Spanish (COREECOM) offers when incorporating the diastratic and diaphasic differences. If we consider the corpus as a “model” of a linguistic reality, it must collect samples of not only the diachronic and diatopic differences, but from the social and textual variations of the linguistic society as well. Given the importance of such parameters and their intern diversity, we have believed to be necessary that it should be subdivided. The diastratic level is conformed by two groups: a) Social and Etnic diversity and b) The writer’s gender; in diaphasic level, it is divided in: a)textual variety (discursive) and b) type of the document (styles). The different combinations that result between these parameters and their divisions will help to register and study the resulting linguistic phenomena or characteristic of the Mexican-Colonial Spanish.


Electronic corpus, Colonial Spanish, Diastratic studies, Diaphasic studies


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