Causes of Brains Escape and its Impact on Higher Education in Afghanistan


  • Sebghatullah Aryan Department of Administrative and Diplomacy, Law and Political Science Faculty, Badakhshan University, AFGHANISTAN.



brains escape, higher education, immigration, economic welfare, Afghanistan


Brains escape, especially the flight of scientific staff from universities and its negative and fatal effect on the education system, is one of the debatable issues in war and post-war countries. Afghanistan is one of the countries that has experienced many years of war and has had the largest number of immigrants to foreign countries, which has created a great void in this country for skilled and educated people. Therefore, in the current research, the causes of brains escape and its effect on the country's higher education are discussed. The central question of the current research was: "What were the causes of brains escape and what effect does it have on the country's higher education?" The prevailing hypothesis in relation to the raised question is that the continuous crises in the country and the lack of attention to the elites and neglecting them as a national value have caused brains escape and affected the education system in the country. The findings of the research show that war, unemployment, poverty, lack of meritocracy are the main factors of brains escape and this process creates a big vacuum in the country's higher education system. Fortunately, recently, with the rise of privileges and members of the scientific staff and providing security ground in the country, the return of elites and scientific staff in the process of education has increase.


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A- Books and Articles

medical, complete cure; Amazadeh, Mustafa and Rostami Hasuri, Hajar, The effect of brains escape on the economic growth of developing countries, "Scientific-Research Quarterly of Economic Development Growth Surveys", first year, second issue, spring 2013.

Tayyeb Cheraghi, the flight of elites; Roots, Ways of Prevention "Hadith Life Magazine" No. 27, Hoot 1388. Available at:

Center for Strategic and Regional Studies (1401), looking at the crisis of brains escape from Afghanistan and its consequences, Analysis of Week, No. 389.

Waqofi, Hasan (2011) Far from the brainss; Studying elite migration from different angles, second edition, Tehran: Zahad Publications.

........ A look at the crisis of brains escape from Afghanistan and its consequences "Regional Strategic Studies Weekly" No. 389, 14 Asad 1401.

B- Rules

Ministry of Justice (2014) Civil Higher Education Law.

C- Interviews

Zakari, Niaz Mohammad (1401), Badakhshan University: author's interview. (3 serious) {interview papers available}

Raiq, Naqibullah (1401), Badakhshan University: author's interview. (30 Aqrab) {interview papers available}

Sajid, Abdul Ghafoor (1401) Kunduz University: author's interview. (30 Aqrab) {interview papers available}

D- Websites

Mir Hossein Zaei, "brains escape from Afghanistan" Available at:

Hafizullah Maroufi, BBC, brains escape after the Taliban took over, 30 Bahman 1400 Available at: https://www

Hamidullah Vasal, 30th of August 1401 Available at:

Hamidullah, Vasal (30 Hamel 1401) Available at:

Leila, Abdul, conference between science and engineering, "Investigation of factors affecting parabrainss" 10th of Azar 2014. Available at:

Hafizullah Maarouf, BBC, brains escape after Taliban takeover, 13 Bahman 1400.




How to Cite

Aryan, S. (2023). Causes of Brains Escape and its Impact on Higher Education in Afghanistan. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 3(6), 138–142.