
Ideal partner preferences: The role of facial attractiveness

Palomares, Jennifer South
cover of PsyPag Quarterly
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Research has identified three factors representing ideal partner preferences: warmth-trustworthiness (e.g. kind, supportive), vitality-attractiveness (e.g. sexy, nice body), and status-resources (e.g. successful, nice house). People place differing emphasis on each ideal partner factor and these preferences involve strategies to maximise genetic continuity both within and across generations. Traits representing vitality-attractiveness may be particularly striking in a potential partner as these may signal health and fertility. In addition, physical attractiveness is associated with numerous social consequences and the ‘what is beautiful is good’ stereotype posits that people attribute multiple positive qualities to attractive individuals (e.g. better career prospects, better romantic partners). Symmetry, averageness, and skin health and colour are key factors in facial attractiveness, and these are briefly reviewed.

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