A review of the integration of virtual reality in healthcare: implications for patient education and treatment outcomes

Ehizogie Paul Adeghe 1, *, Chioma Anthonia Okolo 2 and Olumuyiwa Tolulope Ojeyinka 3

1 Pediatric Clinic, William. D Kelley School Dental Clinic, Kornberg School of Dentistry, Temple University, United State.
2 Federal Medical Centre, Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria.
3 Houston Community College, Houston Texas, United State.
International Journal of Science and Technology Research Archive, 2024, 06(01), 079–088.
Article DOI: 10.53771/ijstra.2024.6.1.0032
Publication history: 
Received on 06 February 2024; revised on 12 March 2024; accepted on 15 March 2024
This paper examines the integration of VR into healthcare settings, focusing on its transformative impact on patient education, treatment outcomes, and future perspectives. Virtual reality (VR) technology has emerged as a groundbreaking tool in healthcare, offering immersive and interactive solutions for patient education, therapy, rehabilitation, and mental health interventions. Key findings from research and practice underscore the effectiveness of VR-based interventions in enhancing patient engagement, comprehension, and retention of medical information, as well as improving treatment adherence, reducing anxiety, managing chronic pain, and enhancing rehabilitation outcomes. Despite technical challenges, such as hardware limitations and data security concerns, the importance of integrating VR into healthcare for optimizing patient care and clinical outcomes cannot be overstated. The future of VR in healthcare holds promise, with continued advancements in technology, interdisciplinary collaboration, and expansion of applications beyond traditional healthcare domains. By addressing challenges and fostering innovation, VR has the potential to revolutionize patient-centered care, shape the future of healthcare delivery, and improve overall well-being


Virtual Reality Healthcare; Patient Education; Treatment Outcome; Integration in Healthcare; VR Applications in Medicine
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