
Migrating Ideas / Migrating Images. Networks of the Avant-Garde(s) (summary)

Małgorzata Anna Jędrzejczyk (PDF)

This study explores the issue of reception and migration of forms, ideas, things, and images between Polish and Western European interwar avant-garde circles, and focuses on a few selected case studies related to this topic. The analysis traces however the paths followed not by artefacts themselves, but mostly by their visual representations. Instead of an approach focused on a one-way flow from a center to a periphery, the text presents a network of the European avant-garde as a ‘moved’ map, in which the vectors of exchange between West and East are aligned in different directions. In this way, the proposed perspective challenges unidirectional vertical art historical narratives based on a principle of subordination and dependency. In addition to the methods of analysis from the field of art history, the methodological foundations introduced in the paper also include approaches developed within the historical disciplines of Kulturtransferforschung [cultural transfer research], histoire croisée [crossed history], as well as a cultural historical perspective introduced by Aby Warburg as part of his ‘image science’.

Keywords: Avant-garde, migration of images, histoire croisée, cultural transfers, Katarzyna Kobro, Abstraction-Création