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International Journal of Educational Management & Development Studies

ISSN 2719-0633 (Print) 2719-0641 (Online)

ICV: 77.25

h-index: 8

Using Reader Response Strategy and Affective Learning Domain in Teaching Literature to Enhance Critical Thinking

Glen Welle Anne Suarez & Cecilia Diva
Volume 3 Issue 4, December 2022


Reading comprehension has been a perennial problem for Filipino students which was reflected in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and in San Bartolome Integrated High School’s Secondary Reading Inventory (SRI) which showed that 281 out of 920 students were at the frustration level of reading. The strategy used by the teacher and reading interest of the students affect students’ learning. This experimental study aimed to find out the effect of Reader Response Strategy in teaching literature and affective learning domain on the level of critical thinking competence among grade 11 senior high school students at San Bartolome Integrated High School for school year 2019-2020. Forty (40) randomly selected grade 11 students served as respondents. Researcher-made 40-item pre-test and posttest on critical thinking competence, and as affective learning inventory were used as instruments. The respondents perceived that the first three levels of affective learning domain namely receiving, responding and valuing are evident in them. They are unsure of their perception of their organizing domain. They do not perceive characterizing is in their system. The respondents showed improvement in three out of four critical thinking competencies namely defining, classifying and drawing conclusions after exposure to Reader Response Strategy. However, there was no improvement in the respondents’ skills in finding relationships. There is no significant relationship between the respondents’ critical thinking competencies and their affective learning domain. It is recommended that Reader Response Strategy may be adopted for a longer period of time to ensure positive results in learners’ overall reading comprehension skills.

Keywords: reader response strategy, critical thinking, reading comprehension, affective learning


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Cite this article:

Suarez, G. & Diva, C. (2022). Using Reader Response Strategy and Affective Learning Domain in Teaching Literature to Enhance Critical Thinking. International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, Volume 3 Issue 4, pp. 61 - 82. DOI:


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