Growth and development of local waxy corn of Southeast Sulawesi and its implications for cultivation

Hamirul Hadini 1, *, Dirvamena Boer 1, Sarjoni 2 and Agusrawati 3

1 Department of Agrotechnology Faculty of Agriculture University of Halu Oleo Jl. HEA. Mokodompit Kendari 93231, Indonesia.
2 BPTP Southeast Sulawesi, Kendari.  Street Prof. Muh. Yamin No. 59. Kendari, Indonesia.
3 Department of Statistics Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Halu Oleo Jl. HEA. Mokodompit Kendari 93231, Indonesia.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Life Sciences, 2023, 05(01), 028–035.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjls.2023.5.1.0012
Publication history: 
Received on 23 November 2022; revised on 07 January 2023; accepted on 09 January 2023
Waxy corn is an important cereal in Southeast Sulawesi. The Southeast Sulawesi farmers have been long times cultivating waxy corns continuously so there are many local waxy corn in the islands. We try to develop corn through cultivation practices and breeding programs. Consequently, we must know the development of the local waxy corn. This research aims to describe the growth and development phase of the local waxy corn. The growth phase was identified by the leaf collar method and the release of the tassel coupled with leaf growth variables, while the developmental phase was based on silking and seed. Five local waxy corn cultivars and one hybrid variety were used to determine the growth and development phase. The research was carried out at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Kendari City, Indonesia, from May to August 2021.  Stages of growth after silking can be identified by the development of the kernels on the ear. The result of the research show that (i) the corn staging system divides development into vegetative (V) which take time about 49-55 days and reproductive (R) stages which take times about 31-36 days. Local waxy corn from Southeast Sulawesi typically develops 9-13 leaves, silks about 50-55 days after emergence, and matures about 80-91 days after emergence.
Corn Cultivation; Development; Growth; Southeast Sulawesi; Waxy corn
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