The era of Imam al-Sadiq "peace be upon him" and the political, economic, and social conditions


  • Muslim Hussain Abboud Al-Hablani
  • Mahmoud El-Sayed Mohamed Hussein Al-Waziri University of Religions and Sects
  • Kazem Hassan Jassim Al-Fatlawy The Open Educational College in the Holy Karbala Governorate



Imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon him), political conditions, economic conditions, social conditions


       In order to discover the direct and indirect factors that dictated to Imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) his behavior in planning and his method of advocacy work, we have to take a general look at the general conditions and circumstances of the nation in his time, and the reality of the rulers at the time, and understand the position of the Imam in a way Especially his position, which he plans through these circumstances and circumstances that determine for us to discover the dimensions of the movement of the Imam (peace be upon him) and his actions, and thus we understand his history (peace be upon him) consciously, and the wisdom that was behind his choice of this or that method without other methods.

The nation was full of manifestations of corruption, and the intellectual and ideological dimension from the Islamic life that the Imam (peace be upon him) sought in all areas of political, social, moral or other life.

On the theoretical and practical level, the general lines of the faith were not clear in their minds and behavior, as a result of the attempts to dilute the new Abbasids, which began to falsify the image of jurisprudence and religion by placing in hadiths, giving fatwas by opinion, and diluting Islamic legislation by introducing strange elements into its legislative sources such as analogy. Approval and sent interests and other matters that lost the legislation of its Islamic character and originality, and the rulers’ attempts to encourage fanatics and Sufis. . . Which led to the emergence of strange movements, and corrupt principles, which created the conditions and general conditions for them


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How to Cite

الحبلاني م. ., الوزيري م., & الفتلاوي ك. . (2022). The era of Imam al-Sadiq "peace be upon him" and the political, economic, and social conditions. Journal of Misan Researches, 18(35), 346-366.


