Factors influencing consumers’ willingness to pay more for safe vegetable products in Cao Lanh City, Dong Thap Province

Minh Triet Nguyen1,, Dieu Hien Trinh2
1 Center for Industrial Promotion and Industry Development Consultancy, Dong Thap Department of Industry and Trade
2 Ca Mau Community College

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The article analyzes the factors influencing consumers’ willingness to pay more for safe vegetable products in Cao Lanh city, Dong Thap province. A total of 142 local consumers participated in the interview. The Cronbach’s Alpha testing, exploratory factor analysis and linear regression were used. The results showed that 5 factors affecting consumers’ willingness to pay more for safe vegetable products in order of importance are: environmental interest, attitude toward the products, product quality, health concern and trust.

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