Current situation and solutions for ancient house tourism in Can Tho City

Thi Be Ba Nguyen1,, Thi Huynh Phuong Nguyen1, Thi To Quyen Le1, My Tien Ly1, Thi Thuy Duy Tran2, Tri Thong Truong3
1 School of Social Science and Humanities, Can Tho University, Vietnam
2 Tour guide in Can Tho City, Vietnam
3 Faculty of Tourism and Foreign Languages, Kien Giang College, Vietnam

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This study analyzes and evaluates primary data by surveying 150 tourists, experts, and ancient house owners to assess the potential and current situation of tourism development in ancient houses in the city. It shows that this current situation in Can Tho City is not aligned with  with the latent qualities potentially developed for future success or usefulness. In addition, tourism products lack variety and interest. These problems need solutions by paying more attention to the conservation and restoration of houses. Through the evaluation results with authentic research data, the study proposes a number of solutions to effectively exploit ancient houses in tourism development. Research results will benefit the local economy, community, old landlords, managers, suppliers, and tourism businesses, in organizing, managing, and developing tourism, featuring the ancient house tourism in Can Tho City.

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