Complete transversal and formal normal forms of germs of vector fields


In this work, inspired by the technique of the complete transversal, used for the classification of plane branches, developed by Hefez, A. and Hernandes, M., as well as Bruce, J.W., Kirk, N.P. and du Plesis, A.A., study the singularities of applications, we establish a classification of vector fields through their normal forms. In the case of vector fields with non zero linear part in $(\mathbb{C}^{2}, 0) $ and nilpotent fields in $(\mathbb {C}^{n}, 0), n\geq 2$ we recover the classical normal forms for those fields, and we provide a formal normal form different from Takens in dimension 2. Likewise, we obtain the normal form for the vector fields in $(\mathbb{C},0)$ of any multiplicity.


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