Role of Employee Behaviour and Job Stress on Work-Life Balance: A Case of HEIs of Pakistan


  • Sofia Bano Shaikh University of Karachi UoK, Karachi, Pakistan Author
  • Abuzar Wajidi Barrett Horgson University Author



Work-Life Balance, Employee Behaviour, Job Stress, Higher Education Institutes, PLS-SEM Analysis


The study aims to identify how workplace stress and employee behaviour impair the work-life balance of faculty members of Higher Education Institutes in Karachi, Pakistan. This study has included a quantitative survey research design. The study collected 386 sample responses from faculty members using the purposive sampling technique. The PLS-SEM analysis was used for data analysis through SmartPLS version 3.2.9. The results have shown that employee behaviour has a positive and significant effect on ER, IR, and WLB; workplace stress has a positive and significant effect on anxiety; workplace stress has a positive and significant effect on time stress, and workplace stress has a negative and significant effect on work-life balance. Furthermore, the study recommends using person-centered stress management techniques for possible work-life stress and employee well-being. Offering relaxation/care exercise classes, enabling wellness, and supplying facilities, such as gymnasiums, encouraging safe living, healthy eating options, and providing guidance are just a few examples. This study is significant for employee’s well-being because the findings will allow them to understand and negotiate their roles throughout the family and work-life. By understanding the importance of WLB, employees would be able to introspect themselves to cope with their job and relationship management. Similarly, management can identify career stages and help employees with the development tasks they experience at each stage. Lastly, the study implications accentuate that by formulating appropriate strategies, management can help employees and retain them as essential organizational assets.

Author Biographies

  • Sofia Bano Shaikh, University of Karachi UoK, Karachi, Pakistan

    PhD Scholar, University of Karachi UoK, Karachi, Pakistan

  • Abuzar Wajidi, Barrett Horgson University

    Professor and Dean, Faculty of Management Sciences, Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi, Pakistan


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How to Cite

Role of Employee Behaviour and Job Stress on Work-Life Balance: A Case of HEIs of Pakistan (S. B. Shaikh & A. Wajidi , Trans.). (2021). Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management, and Innovation, 3(2), 177-201.
