Individualized visual narratives: type 1 diabetes management strategies among three runners in the London Marathon




This study investigates the diabetes management strategies of three high-level athletes with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) during the 43rd London Marathon. The athletes’ strategies, which included insulin dose adjustments, carbohydrate intake, and monitoring techniques, were analyzed using a collaborative autoethnographic approach and data from medical and running devices. The athletes, two males and one female, used various technologies such as Supersapiens, Freestyle Libre, and the Medtronic Minimed 780Ginsulin pump to manage their diabetes during the marathon. Despite individual challenges, all three athletes successfully completed the marathon. The study presents the strategies, glycemic data, and major highlights using visual narratives, providing valuable insights into the experiences of athletes with T1D during endurance events. These narratives effectively communicate the challenges faced by athletes with T1D and can help optimize diabetes management during endurance events.


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Biografia do Autor

Denise Montt, School of Design, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Denise Montt-Blanchard is an industrial designer. She leads innovation projects with multidisciplinary teams, engaging users in the design process. Her research focus is design education, health and medical sciences. Her interest is to create solutions that promote physical activity as a non-pharmaceutical treatment for chronic conditions. She is currently conducting research on Type 1 Diabetes, to minimize the barriers the condition imposes on patients when practicing sport. She holds a Master in Professional Studies in Design Management from Pratt Institute, NY; a Master in Health Science Research from Pontifical Catholic University of Chile; and is currently/at present a doctoral student in the Medical Sciences program at the same university.

María Teresa Onetto, Department of Nutrititon Diabetes and Metabolism, School of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

María Teresa Onetto is a dietitian specializing in pediatric and adult diabetes at the Catholic University Clinical Hospital in Chile. As the coordinator of the PUC insulin pump program, she oversees crucial initiatives. With over a decade of experience, she has actively organized camps for individuals with diabetes. Her research is primarily centered around advancing technologies for type one diabetes.

Raimundo Sánchez, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland, Australia.

Raimundo Sanchez, a Complex Systems Engineering Ph.D. (2015) and Industrial Engineer (2009), specializes in data analysis and mathematical modeling across industry and academia. He held roles at LATAM Airlines, from Revenue Management Analyst (2009-2011) to Analytics Manager (2015-2019). His research focuses on refining human performance in endurance sports through mathematical models and digital tools. Sanchez explores physical activity, movement patterns, and locomotion efficiency, providing athletes and coaches with quantitative insights. Presently a professor at the University Adolfo Ibáñez, he instructs data mining in postgraduate programs and serves as a research professor at the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland, Australia.




Como Citar

Montt, D., Onetto, M. T., & Sánchez, R. (2023). Individualized visual narratives: type 1 diabetes management strategies among three runners in the London Marathon. InfoDesign - Revista Brasileira De Design Da Informação, 20(2).


